As you look through this album for The Revelation Project, here - TopicsExpress


As you look through this album for The Revelation Project, here are a few explanations for what you are witnessing: 1) A Woman who sees a possibility for herself and her life and is willing to put herself into this project by surrendering her defenses and looking at her experience (her life) through a new perspective. 2) She does not get to decide the wardrobe, accessories, lighting or set design for the shoot- she is invited to co-create during the shoot at some point but otherwise she is invited to be led into the unknown and sometimes her own dis-comfort. 3) She does not see her images, there is no mirror in the studio, and she is unable to choose which photos are part of her album or how they are edited. 4) As part of her workshop she is prepared through a pre-interview weeks or months ahead of time and then as follow-up to the 3 hour workshop she is asked to respond via interview about the experience once she has viewed her images and shared them via FB. 5) She does not see the images ahead of anyone else, nor does she know when we publish them other than we will send her a heads up note. She views herself at the same time others are viewing her images, and witnessing her. 6) Her Project begins when she signs up (which could have been many months before) and as she sits with the anticipation or trepidation - we ask that she observe what comes up for her and to begin to ask what is being revealed here? or, what is wanting to be revealed here? - (This could be joy, fear, terror, excitement) and invite her to begin looking under the emotional layers to the fundamentals: What scares me about this? Where is that familiar? What will people think of me? What will my mother say? Facing or exploring these questions as she goes through the additional steps. Each step of the way she is birthing a new process for experiencing herself, and observing herself. This stage of the process can be very exhilarating, disarming, or disturbing depending on what is wanting to be revealed that is no longer serving, or has been suppressed and not given permission to be. What if i am really ugly? What if I look fat? What if I really am unworthy and unlovable? - there is no end to some of the hundreds of thoughts and fears that will run through us as we get ready for the exposure of our selves. 7) This project, although beautiful on the outside, is hardly a glamour shoot. The women who do this project are aspiring toward who they are becoming, and who they want to become. They are women who are dancing with fear and possibility as a means to grow... as a way to stretch into the more of life. 8) Once her photo album has officially been launched on the TRP facebook site she has between 24-48 hours to share it with her own audience. Again, another incredibly scary and unreasonable request for some. As part of her project we hold true that the witnessing process can not be fulfilled until she has invited those who love her and surround her to embrace her in all of herself: her fears, tears, beauty, ugliness, light, shadow, glory, power, essence, vulnerability. She herself knows what it took to make the images you see before you, and therefore this phase of the process is incredibly important in terms of busting the myths about how much of our power we give away to others in terms of how much we care about what THEY have to say. This part of the project is about claiming our voice, our right to be seen, and our right to expose ourselves with full permission and without shame. Having our community surround us with comments as they witness our process ( even if they dont know what has gone on behind the scenes) is incredibly powerful, validating, humbling, amazing, extraordinary and sometimes painful. We get to see who shows up for us and where our world cringes or goes silent. We get to see if it even matters anymore... or if it reconnects us to self and other. 9) Because this is such a powerful and transformational experience- the project will hold her in support as she processes through the many layers of emotion, assessment, letting go, healing, or allowing. We offer her coaching, and assist her by inviting her to join the tribe of women who have all walked in her shoes and who have been through the workshop so that she can lean in knowing that she is not alone with her thoughts, feelings etc. The sisterhood gives her a place to settle in and feel welcomed and supported. 10) TRP is about empowerment and freedom. Its about peeling away the layers of not us to get clarity and peace around who we truly are. Its about being allowed to SHINE and be seen without needing to hide, control, defend, or self-sacrifice. The project is about looking at life and our role in it as a never -ending project that is constantly revealing itself - ourselves, and forever more knowing what to look for
Posted on: Sat, 02 Aug 2014 20:06:46 +0000

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