As you may have noticed, Paul and I have been very focused on - TopicsExpress


As you may have noticed, Paul and I have been very focused on re-evaluating our personal goals and dreams. In doing so we found that our hearts are still very committed to helping others achieve their weight loss goals and dreams. How best to do that has been the topic of discussion around our house for the past two weeks. Many of our Band2gether members have moved on in life, but we arent sure they have moved on to a truly happier and healthier life because they have achieved their goals, or if they moved on because they became discouraged, felt like failures, decided to move on to yet another weight loss surgery, or simply gave up hope. Our suspicion is that the latter is more accurate, and it is our desire to reach out to those people with a message of hope and encouragement. We have always believed that there was far more to overcoming obesity than a surgery or a diet could accomplish. Many of us, in spite of our surgeries are STILL wandering around looking for “the answer”, still struggling with the underlying issues of obesity that led us to surgery in the first place. On B2G the phrase “Youve got to do the head-work” became well-known, as it was our belief that “the answer” was in our thoughts, our behavior, and in our beliefs. I think we can all agree that if we continue to do what we are were doing, we will continue to get what we have been getting. Behavior modification must take place in order to change. However, that change does not easily come to a mind that has been entrenched in beliefs and associations that lead us to those behaviors. Forcing that behavior change through weight loss surgery, or a diet of restricted calories, or by depriving ourselves of wholesome natural foods and gagging down one more meal replacement shake will perhaps bring about temporary weight loss, but eventually we will revert back to the old ways. A good analogy would be diverting a river by dumping in a huge pile of dirt. Sure, the water will be forced to go around that pile for a time, but all during that time the water is cutting away at the dirt because of its determination to go the way it believes it must go. That is why so many are still, after one, two, possibly three weight loss surgeries, desperately looking for “the answer”. We believe that the answer lies within our thoughts and our physical health. We have talked about the thoughts; now let’s focus on the health issues that can thwart even the most determined weight loss efforts. After years of poor diets of processed and sugar-laden foods, along with a sharp decrease in physical activity, our bodies can become very inefficient and broken down machines. Digestion issues arise. Blood sugar levels get out of whack and begin to cause out of control cravings for simple carbs. Diabetes sets in. Heart disease sets in. Muscles grow weak and as a result the skeletal structure suffers. Simply reducing our calories to unreasonably low amounts will not cure these issues. In fact, they could exacerbate them and lead us into more problems. Forcing ourselves onto a treadmill or exercise bike without addressing biological problems could find us even more frustrated and defeated. For example: how many of you have cried in frustration because you are only eating 900 calories and working out every day with no positive results? Many people have unknowingly developed Candida overgrowth which can be a significant barrier to weight loss. Candida is naturally occurring yeast in the intestinal tract, and is vital for healthy digestion. However, when Candida overgrowth occurs, it can create problems, both with digestive function (gas, bloating etc) and more systemically with fatigue, headaches, brain fog and so on. Candida can be addressed through diet and the introduction of good bacteria found in quality probiotics. Many people find that once yeast overgrowth is addressed, cravings for sugars and carbs are reduced and weight loss is much easier. Becoming healthy requires attention be given to the damage that has been done, and this can be achieved with natural nutritional supplements, probiotics, vitamins, proper nourishment, and hydration. Once the inside begins to function correctly, we will see a surprising decrease in our desire to snack and in our cravings for simple carbs and sweets. The desire for healthy proteins and complex carbs returns, because the body is no longer confused by improper blood sugar levels and such. The naturally healthy desires for good fuel returns and our bodies once again become very efficient at using that fuel to maintain a naturally healthy weight. Now combine a well-functioning body that no longer drives us to cookies, crackers, ice cream and the like, with a thought process that no longer tells us that food is “the answer” to our emotional discomforts and needs, and what you’ll have is an extremely powerful ANSWER. This will be the platform and focus of our new Band2gether. While we will not abandon the lapband patient support and education, it will no longer be our focus. We want to embrace anyone who is seeking “the answer” no matter what methods, diets, tools, surgeries, etc they may have tried. We will not be focusing on “How to Succeed With Weight Loss Surgery” but rather how to achieve a healthy mind and body. The weight loss will naturally follow, and with it will come good health – both physical and mental. So, keep an eye on Band2gether as we transition into our new goals and dreams, which I suppose were our dreams all along – we just werent quite sure how to accomplish them, but now we are! We will be introducing some wonderful resources for changing those thoughts and beliefs that keep us from achieving our goals and for achieving good health through nutrition. Some amazing people have been brought into our lives for such a time as this, and we plan to introduce you to them in the near future. Band2gether is a where all people seeking help with weight loss, not just lap band patients, will find help and support. There is an answer. There is hope. So come on home and we will continue to band2gether while overcoming obesity. *hugs* Susan (aka PhotoNut on Band2gether)
Posted on: Sun, 10 Nov 2013 23:45:25 +0000

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