As you may know, one of my proudest compositions that Ive ever - TopicsExpress


As you may know, one of my proudest compositions that Ive ever recorded is an original French-language power ballad titled, Encore Une Fois. But the lyrics recently struck me as something that could be conveyed through spoken word poetry. So, I decided to recite a poetic version of my song, Encore Une Fois. This composition was inspired by a relationship that I was striving to rekindle with a girl from my past, and, the more I think on it now, the intent conveyed in this song very much mirrors the account of Miguel Gallardos Hoy Tengo Ganas de Ti (which was illustriously remade by Alejandro Fernández and the stunning Christina Aguilera). Moreover, this song was a tribute to my Créolité - as I have an ethnic French heritage that I have inherited from my own mother whose paternal ancestors had been native to Louisiana for centuries. Her earliest documented ancestors in Louisiana were French colonials who had settled there as early as 1710. My mother also has African, Choctaw, Jewish, and Creek ancestry, and most of her family on her fathers side were descendants of the original French-speaking gens de couleur libres of colonial Louisiana. So without further ado, I give you Encore Une Fois, for ruptured romance and love once lost alike...
Posted on: Sun, 26 Oct 2014 23:32:29 +0000

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