As you most know I`m a Licensed Realtor. But I did not get into - TopicsExpress


As you most know I`m a Licensed Realtor. But I did not get into Real Estate just for the money. Let me tell you a little bit about how Blooming Ventures came to be. About? 4 & 1/2 years go. My husband and I purchased our 1st home cash it was the best thing we could have done considering we had 2 children I was working part time and he was doing construction work. Well the house was huge and far beyound what we as young couple could handle. But we had big dreams, as the saying goes champagne wishes with beer money. Lol! Anyway the home needed eletrical repairs. And caught on fire. We were homesless. A family member came to me and said I just brought a house on Warren and Caduiex for $1,000. Im like you lieing. He said I know you and your family lost everything. And we had I never felt so helpless as a mother and a wife. So we started on the Hunt. We looked at Bungalows cause the home we lost was a Colonial. Remember were on a budget. We not only brought one home we brought 2. So Im like Wow! We got these 2 nice economic friendly homes for $2,000. I couldnt believe it. Yes they needed repairs but nothing like the price of repairs for the Colonial, which wa nice but just above our means. So that same relative came back like hey: The agent who sold him the home was becoming a broker and was looking for agents. Im hooked, I gotta do this. So I ask my husband what did he think? He supported me 100%. I said to myself how many people paying rent struggling to live every single day tha live in my community? Do they even know how easy this is? I wanted to tell and show everybody. So I took the test I failed to times. My husband said if you fail that test again dont come back home. We laughed about it but I really just didnt want to fail again I passed. I was so happy because now I could not only tell everyone I could show them. There are programs that help Low income people with repairs to their home.. Programs that help you with your taxes, neighborhood safety everything. So thus Blooming Ventures was born. Our goal is to help you never pay rent or a mortgage again.
Posted on: Fri, 25 Oct 2013 19:17:11 +0000

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