As you observe the news being reported on the mainstream media you - TopicsExpress


As you observe the news being reported on the mainstream media you cannot help but be aware of the enormous changes that are occurring across the world. In many countries people are refusing to continue accepting the authoritarian control and repression that their “so-called” democratic governments are attempting to enforce on them through the police and military, so that the reasonable demands of the governed to be heard, acknowledged, and discussed can be suppressed and ignored. The days of directing and controlling the populace are over. People will be heard, they will no longer allow themselves to be fobbed off by calls to wait patiently until the present almost insurmountable problems that their governments are facing have been satisfactorily dealt with because they see that these excuses – economic crises, terrorist threats, extreme weather, unruly unions, etc. – are the same old excuses that are reissued every time that the people demand to have the real issues that concern them discussed and resolved. Politicians by their very nature seek only to retain their positions of power and authority, as do owners and managers in industry, and civil servants employed by governments. Those with power and influence are always attempting to increase it, and their claims that they are acting in the best interests of those who elected them or who work under their authority are very seldom valid. The illusion encourages individuals to take advantage of every situation to better themselves by strengthening their precarious grip on power and influence, regardless of the consequences for those over whom they rule or have authority. And that grip on power and authority is extremely precarious, needing constant support and buffering. All governments are authoritarian and aim to set one section of the population against another so that they can justify authoritarian practices and behaviors, it’s just that some are far more blatant about it than others thus setting themselves up to be judged, and often condemned, by their less indiscreet neighbors. Politics, as you experience it in the illusion, is about blame and shame in order to distract attention from the issues that truly need to be addressed for the benefit of every human. And, of course, you all experience the governments that align with your own attitudes and beliefs. However, the Love flood is changing that rapidly, and awareness of the need for compassionate change to the way humanity lives on the planet and how it treats its billions of members and the planet herself is growing daily. If you could see the results that you are achieving by your loving intentions you would be truly amazed. But of course in your severely limited state of consciousness it is extremely difficult for you to fully appreciate what is actually happening all across the world, as the mainstream media, as usual, focus on strife, conflict, and disaster because for eons that has been what has interested humanity. The New Age that has just dawned is an age in which care for others is equal in importance to care for oneself, and it is this new attitude which is driving the changes that so many of you have come to Earth to put into effect, and for which you have been praying most intensely all your lives. You will not be disappointed! Make a point of focusing on the good things that are occurring all around you, often seemingly small, insignificant things, and remind yourselves that nothing is insignificant, and that every loving thought, word, or action has extremely far reaching effects, always. Then continue to intend to be loving in every moment as you bring in the essential changes for which you have been waiting, and which you chose to be on Earth to assist in implementing. You are all having an absolutely enormous impact on the attitudes of humanity by your ongoing demonstrations of love in action, and there is no way that the clock can be turned back. Love is flooding the planet and nowhere can be closed off to it. The collective intent of humanity is for love to replace fear, and the collective intent is always brought to fruition. During these last hours of strife, conflict, and suffering continue holding your individual lights on high, they are becoming ever brighter and more intense. Whenever you experience an event, interaction, or interchange that is loving (and this will happen with increasing frequency), acknowledge it and the person who caused it, honor it, and then rejoice that the changes that you came on Earth to assist in implementing are occurring right in front of you, moment to moment, and are unstoppable and irreversible. Every thought, word, or action that each individual takes to further strengthen and establish this new era is enormously intensified by the divine field of Love that supports you in every moment of your existence. The field of Love is like an enormous magnet to which all are drawn because you were created from it and are being drawn back into its loving embrace. The closer you get to it, and you are constantly moving closer to it, the stronger becomes its pull, the more irresistible its attraction, because you and it are one and the same, and you are coming Home! Your loving brother, Jesus. Posted in Uncategorized | 7 Comments » Peace enforced is not peace, it is but a temporary cease-fire March 5, 2014 by John Smallman The wonderfully empowering energy waves that you Light bearers and wayshowers have been sharing and extending during these last few weeks are bearing beautiful and exotic fruit of an extremely sweet and uplifting nature. If you could see and appreciate what you are achieving in every moment you would be dumbfounded. You all chose to incarnate at this point in humanity’s evolution so that you could assist in the process of awakening, which you knew would be both demanding and stressful, and you are doing great work, just as you intended and planned. That you would not experience real knowledge or awareness of the task that you had undertaken as you struggled to play your parts was known to you before you incarnated, and you accepted it as an essential part of the divine plan. The part each one of you plays is absolutely essential and has to be spontaneous, an appropriate response to the situations in which you find yourselves moment by moment. Intuitively you always know what the appropriate response is, however, in the moment you have to make a choice based on the information presented in that moment, and because you are humans living in an illusory state, where nothing truly is as it seems, there is always room for error, and errors get made. By making errors you learn from your experiences, and it becomes apparent to you, if you are willing to see clearly what those errors show you, that Love is always the only answer that will provide lasting resolution to any issues, problems, and conflicts that arise. Your history shows you very clearly that conflicts can never be resolved through force of arms. It has been tried, and tried, and tried, and it always leads to further conflict and suffering. Peace enforced is not peace, it is but a temporary cease-fire until the parties concerned are ready once more to go to war. There are now very few among you who have not become fully aware of this, even if all are not yet prepared to admit to the truth of it. Enthusiasm for war is declining rapidly, although it often seems to the few who are in positions to make the decisions to go to war that there are no alternatives. But without the enthusiastic support of their subordinates – and all across the world the decision makers are discovering, much to their chagrin, that that support is not forthcoming – the decision to engage in war cannot be made, and so it is first delayed and then abandoned. The threats of potential conflict in various parts of the world that are being reported by the media are but ill-considered attempts to prepare people to accept that, in certain circumstances, war must be waged to ensure world peace and stability. But, because the collective has decided to awaken, the hollowness of that kind of argument is clearly seen, and those who consider themselves to be the guardians of world peace with the right and the power to take a nation to war will not be able to raise the necessary support to do so. There may well be lots of sabre rattling as the politicians save face, but the time for war on Earth is over. As you know, the New Age of peace and abundance for all has arrived and is being established all across the world as you wayshowers and Light bearers channel, extend, and share in and intensify the divine field of Love in which all of creation has its eternal existence. For eons the Love of God, your heavenly Father has been dreamt of, hoped for, and prayed for, but always you were judging and condemning one another and by so doing closing yourselves off to Love. Love is all-inclusive, all-accepting, all-honoring, It has no room for judgment of any kind. Judgment is of the illusion and therefore unreal, but you have believed in it, believed that God judged, and have frequently taken it self-righteously on yourselves to judge others supposedly on His behalf. What unbelievable and insane arrogance! Within the illusion you made an image of God in your own human likeness! You have many paintings of an old wise-looking and bearded man, very human looking because that was what you chose as a representation of God. No image could be further from the truth, because the god that you imagined and worshipped was one who bore grudges and sought vengeance on those whom you, on his behalf, judged unworthy of him. He was in fact utterly human, unreal, illusory. Finally, in these last few decades, the insanity of that kind of belief is becoming apparent to more and more of you as you move consistently and steadfastly towards awakening. You are being drawn onwards by the power of Love to which you have finally started to open your hearts, and you have realized collectively that no image that any one of you could conceive of could give you even the remotest idea of what your Father might look like. He Is. He is beyond description, He can only be experienced, and only by those who have discarded all within them that is unloving. And that experience, when it happens for you, will be one of infinite and utterly unimaginable ecstasy that continues eternally; brilliantly brighter than the brightness of all the stars in the universe combined. It is not to be experienced lightly or without enormous preparation, preparations that you start in on when you move permanently into the spiritual realms, leaving all form and matter way behind you. In the meantime know that your awakening into Love, into the spiritual realms, is far closer than you might think. Unfathomable joy will soon be yours because that is what you have chosen and that is totally in alignment with God’s Will for you. And from there there is no limit as you know yourselves once more as beings of infinite Love. Your loving brother, Jesus. Posted in Uncategorized | 7 Comments » Do not hold on to the anger that some of these shocking disclosures of infamy arouse within you February 20, 2014 by John Smallman Humanity’s long awaited and much anticipated awakening draws ever closer. It is very hard for you, embedded in the illusion as you are, to keep holding your Light on high, but you are doing an absolutely marvelous job for which we honor you greatly. The end is in sight although that is possibly not very apparent to you, surrounded as you are by a large selection of nightmarish events that need to be resolved, and for which, at present, there seems to be little sign of that being possible. Your collective intent to send the energies of Love, healing, compassion, and a desire for reconciliation and peace to all on Earth is having very positive effects all across the world wherever conflict is raging. Please keep up your good work. Here in the spiritual realms we are supporting you powerfully in every moment, and your intent cannot fail because it is fully in alignment with God’s Will. There has been a lot of talk in your mainstream media during the last couple of years about the 1% versus the 99%, and the views and desires of the latter are having to be increasingly heard and positively responded to by the former. Change is happening all across the world, and the speed at which that is happening is accelerating very rapidly indeed. No longer can “the masses” be arrogantly dictated to, and no longer can the various law enforcement and military agencies and their employees be relied on to suppress and control society. Needless to say for society to live peacefully together laws and standards that honor and apply to all must be maintained. When respect is offered to all without exception enforcement is unnecessary, because all recognize and honor the sovereignty of each individual. However, your so called democratic systems of government have not been doing this, and they are at last being seen by almost everyone for what they are, namely endemically corrupt organizations that bow humbly before their masters – those who have enormous wealth along with the power and influence that that buys – who believe themselves to be above the law, and who behave accordingly. Their days of freedom to do as they wish are severely numbered. The courageous whistle blowers who have risked their lives and their livelihoods to bring public attention to the secret, dishonorable, and corrupt practices of so many organizations – corporate, religious, political, military, and governmental – are highly regarded in the spiritual realms and are given much support and protection. Make sure to send them abundant love whenever you go quietly within to pray, mediate, or contemplate. Do not hold on to the anger that some of these shocking disclosures of infamy arouse within you for the perpetrators of these scandals. Remember that they too are very damaged individuals who are running scared, and justifiably so, and they need your Love, just like everybody else. We are all One and there is only Love. Focusing on anything that is not in alignment or harmony with Love only serves to delay your awakening. Love is penetrating even what appear to be the hardest of hearts, because It is utterly irresistible. There is no one who is shielded from the field of divine Love that envelops you all, and however strong the intent to block out Love may be it is never strong enough. Love is infiltrating everyone on the planet, and therefore It is also infiltrating every organization on the planet, regardless of the reasons for which those organizations may have been established, and their resistance to Love’s power is being fatally undermined. God is Love, and all of His divine creation is contained within Love’s infinite field which is eternal, limitless, and boundless. What you experience as unloving, unaccepting, repressive, destructive, crushing, and frightening is of the illusion – temporal – and therefore cannot and will not survive the gentle but persistent and overwhelming onslaught of Love. Anything that is not in alignment with Love – and truly that is very, very little – is dissolving, dissipating, disintegrating, because your collective will and intent has ceased to support the illusion and the misery in which it has attempted to envelop you. It was a silly game which caused you much pain and suffering while you engaged with it, and now you have sensibly chosen to discard it. Without your constant support it cannot survive, because illusions demand the attention of those who would build and support them, and that attention is being very rapidly withdrawn. Focus your attention on the wonderful and uplifting changes that are happening all across the world, because that strengthens your own energy fields and therefore the effects that they are having worldwide. Just keep reminding yourselves “We are all One!” And within that Oneness there is no room for anything that is not of Love because there is nothing real that is not of Love. Doing just that dissolves the illusion and brings all to awakening. Your loving brother, Jesus. Posted in Uncategorized | 4 Comments » Your human life path is a journey of great importance and significance that is mostly hidden from you. January 26, 2014 by John Smallman Here in the spiritual realms we are all deeply indebted to you for your ongoing and frequently exhausting Earth journeys as you work non-stop (yes, you do really work non-stop, waking, sleeping, and dreaming) to bring your brothers and sisters to awakening by constantly sending them Love. What you are doing, and achieving, is quite amazing. Each of your individual functions and contributions in this ongoing awakening process is essential to it; without your combined collective intentions and efforts it would not happen. Do not let the fact that for the most part you do not get any sense of the importance and significance of what you are doing, or of our presence among you assisting you, worry you or cause you anxiety, because what you are doing is enormously powerful and effective, and only you can do it. And of course when you awaken what you have brought about will be there in plain sight for you to see, acknowledge, and probably marvel at. You are, and always will be greatly honored for your Earth journeys, where for most of the time it has seemed to you that you are struggling unsupported in a task that is way beyond your capabilities. It is not! And you are bringing it rapidly to a state of fulfillment. The task you chose to embark on for this particular earth life has been very difficult for many of you, and before you chose to do it you knew that this would be the case, but, with the help of wisdom, advice, and mentoring from your spiritual guides you planned most carefully to ensure that it would be well within your capabilities. You knew that it would be hard because you would be unable to remember any details of your pre-planning and consequently each moment would arrive, as it were, unannounced, presenting you with surprises and choices that were often unappealing. However, you also knew that you could not fail because of the divine field of Love enveloping you and supporting you in every moment. There truly are no accidents, every thing that occurs is part of a larger plan to provide all involved with the lessons that they wish to learn and thus bring them firmly and steadily forwards towards their awakening. And that awakening is most definitely a done deal, nothing can prevent it. As you cope with your individual doubts, worries, anxieties, and suffering remind yourselves frequently that you are divinely supported in every moment, that you are continually making sterling progress, just as intended, and that the secret of finding peace as you follow this demanding earthly path is to surrender to each moment as it occurs. Do not look back at opportunities apparently missed. They are gone, over, finished with, and all that you need to do now is address this present moment. If it seems to you that you have made one or several ghastly errors, focus on the fact that each one them can teach you something very important or has already done so, and rejoice that you have grown from the experience, because you undoubtedly have, even if it is not immediately apparent to you. It can be helpful to recall, very briefly without dwelling there, errors you have seemingly made that later resulted in an unexpected improvement in your life or your situation. None of you have made errors from which no lessons have been learned nor benefits obtained, you just need to let go of the egoic need to not make mistakes and the consequential need to castigate yourselves when you do so. As humans living the illusion you cannot see the way ahead clearly, and errors are therefore going to be made, so be kind, forgive yourselves (and others!), and move on. You can learn enormous amounts in moments if you live in the moment, instead of dwelling on and regretting the past and anxiously worrying about what the future holds for you. You planned the life path you are experiencing with great forethought to enable you to learn the lessons with which it would present you. You knew it would not be a rose garden, and it is unhelpful to look at the apparently happier life experiences that others are undergoing and feel that therefore you are being unfairly treated by life. The path you are experiencing and following is the most appropriate one for you, and you can have absolutely no idea of the suffering and pain others have undergone that have led them to where they are. Your human life path is a journey of great importance and significance that is mostly hidden from you, and so it is very easy for you to view another’s path with yearning and envy because it seems to offer them all that you wish for. And that, of course, can seem very unfair, especially if it appears to you that they are not truly appreciative of their good fortune. This is one of the reasons that you are constantly reminded not to judge, because you can have no idea what it is that you are judging as you see only the surface of something that is amazingly deep, and therefore hidden from your view. No one’s human life path is easy. It may often appear to you that others have a very good life, are perhaps spoilt, are in fact having a life of ease and luxury that you envy and that they do not deserve. But this is never the case, every life path offers precisely what is needed in the moment. No one has been cheated into following a path unsuited to them, or given one that offers them unfair advantages over anyone else. Everyone’s path is perfect for them, and for them alone. So when you are feeling down, hard done by, alone, and unappreciated go within. Within you have instant access to your guides and to the Love that our Father offers every one of us constantly. Focus your attention on the inner knowing that each one of you has confirming that you are an irreplaceable and absolutely essential aspect of your Source. Disregard any adverse judgments that you believe others are making of you, and let go of any adverse judgments you hold against yourselves, because none of them are valid. You are, and always will be, a dearly loved child of God, a perfect aspect of Him that has chosen to undergo a very difficult experience to assist in bringing all His children to awakening. And for that you are highly honored, because to be a human is to take on an incredibly difficult task . . . and to succeed! Your loving brother, Jesus. Posted in Uncategorized | 10 Comments » Your awakening from the illusion, from the unreality in which you have apparently been immersed for eons is imminent! January 20, 2014 by John Smallman There is only the ONE! You all know that, even if many of you have trouble accessing that knowledge, that deep inner knowing. God, our Father, the Source of all that exists and in which all is contained, just IS. And the Source is infinite, limitless, without boundaries – there is no beyond, there is only within, which has neither beginning nor end, it just IS, ALWAYS, EVERYWHERE. It is inevitable, unavoidable, constantly supportive of all that exists in loving acceptance, never judging, just embracing and enfolding in the eternal field of LOVE. There is absolutely nothing you need do or can do to be worthy, let alone more worthy in the sight of God. He created you perfect and obviously you could not possibly improve on that, therefore stop reasoning, puzzling, wondering, doubting, and generally trying to make yourselves acceptable to God, because He created you like unto Himself, infinitely and eternally acceptable. All that He creates is like unto Himself because all is within Him. Just open your hearts to receive the abundance of Love in which you are at all times enveloped and release the doubts, worries, and anxieties that you allow to plague you, and then, once more, know that you are eternally divinely loved and cared for. It is time to awaken from the dream, the nightmare, the illusion that has brought you so much unnecessary pain and suffering. You chose to undergo the experience of separation by building an imaginary state that excluded God. It could only be imaginary, unreal, because without God, truly separated from Him, there is nothing – no consciousness, no awareness, no life, no Love – and that is beyond all the bounds of possibility. You are all permanently safe and secured in the loving arms of your Father, and that is what unchangeable means. Love is eternal, unchangeable. Life is an aspect of Love, as is consciousness, as is awareness, as is wakefulness, the state to which you are returning. You never left it, but you did close your eyes and pretend to leave, and you are about to open them and discover that you are still just where you were when you closed them, at Home in the arms of your Father. The bliss of knowing who You are, who You truly are is about to eliminate forever the endless pain and suffering in which the illusion has seemingly enshrouded you for so many eons. You have collectively chosen to awaken and discard the illusion, and that is what is to happen – your awakening from the illusion, from the unreality in which you have apparently been immersed for eons is imminent! The brilliance of what awaits you is ineffable. Your emergence into the bright Light of Reality cannot be delayed any longer. You need to wake up from the dream into the awe-inspiring wonder of Reality, your true and only Home, otherwise known by humanity as: Heaven, Paradise, the Garden of Eden, Nirvana, Shambhala, and myriad other names. And, It is within You, always. To awaken is to uncover your real identity as One with Source, in a state of infinitely flowing peace and harmony, where individual wills are united with the One Will and recognize themselves as essential undifferentiated aspects of that One Will. And that recognition brings joy, utter and absolute joy, a knowing that surpasses all you have ever known, a wisdom beyond conceivability, and a peace that exalts and discloses an infinite possibility of creative opportunities with which you can engage. Think of all the arts available to man that add beauty and wonder to your environment; they are as nothing compared to the possibilities awaiting you when you awaken. Limitation is of the illusion, a state in which difficulty and impracticality appear to impede and hinder nearly all your creative ventures no matter how inspiring and desirable they may appear to be. Many of you do obtain satisfaction, sometimes amazing satisfaction, from overcoming difficulties, issues, problems, conflicts, and reversals as you strive to achieve the goals that others have set you, or that you have set for yourselves. But suppose that the energy you used in doing so could instead be put wholeheartedly into your creative and artistic concepts – can you imagine how much more fulfilling that would be? Striving and struggling have themselves become creative ventures for you, dimming your awareness of, your faint and distant memories of Reality. You greatly honor those who succeed, especially where many others have tried and failed – and that is kind, compassionate, and generous – but it is also raising pain, suffering, and desolation to the point of being the purpose of the exercise during which they were experienced. And much more attention tends to be focused on the suffering and indomitability that these determined ones have demonstrated rather than on what they have actually achieved. To wage war successfully these “virtues” must be encouraged and honored, as they have been for eons. But war itself is and never can be a success, as your worldly history demonstrates very clearly, time and time again. The illusion encourages suffering and pretends to reward it. But in truth those who are honored are quickly forgotten unless they continue to strive towards further achievements; and their rewards are very frequently severe bodily damage that further limits and restricts them as they tread their human life paths. And, as forgotten heroes, they find themselves with much time to reflect on the roles that they have played, frequently discovering that they had not been fully true to themselves even though they had done their utmost to please those who commanded or directed them, and had done their best to support and protect those “on their team or their side.” Some rise above this realization and learn to serve humanity, but many are overwhelmed with bitterness and an intense sense that their lives have been an unrelieved series of calamitous failures. This, of course, is not the case. Every human life, no matter how unconscionable and evil it may appear to have been has, in the long run, brought about essential changes in your thinking and in your beliefs. All your human cultures, races, philosophies, religions, and other organizations – political, business, or social – hold divisive beliefs and values which they then uphold, encourage, persuade, and indeed attempt to enforce upon you, demanding that you embrace attitudes and behaviors that “supposedly” are for the ultimate good of all. They are not, purely because they are divisive. You are all only too well aware of the maxim “divide and conquer,” and yet, when it is used for that specific purpose, no one seems to notice . . . until it is too late. It is an insidious form of betrayal that has been used time and time again on a basically unsuspecting or unaware majority by an unelected elite whose constant and unchanging intent is to maintain or increase their power over humanity. No more. Collectively you have chosen to awaken from the illusion, and that is terrifying those who would control you, hence the ever-increasing attempts to introduce more new laws to further restrict the rights of the individual (“divide and conquer”) in the interests of maintaining the security of the nation from terrorist attacks which, unless forcefully prevented, are about to destroy it. And fear has been so enthusiastically encouraged by all forms of advertising that many do feel threatened, unsafe, and would support almost any measure that is proclaimed to protect them from these intensely perceived but unreal threats. You are all sovereign beings created in Love for an eternity of ecstatic joy, and those who would continue to support and maintain the illusion are doing their utmost to prevent you from becoming aware of your changeless divine heritage and destiny. Go within, ask for help and for Love from those who are watching over you constantly in the spiritual realms, and then open yourselves to receive it. Release all your doubts and anxieties, they are totally without basis or foundation, because you are all divine beings whose awakening is assured. To believe otherwise is to embrace and support the illusion and all the fears and anxieties that it promotes. Let go, surrender to the Truth of God’s endless and unremitting Love for you as you go within daily to your safe haven, your inner sanctum, where the “Peace that passeth all understanding” awaits you as you prepare to awaken into the bright Light of Reality. Your loving brother, Jesus. Posted in Uncategorized | 5 Comments » A major turning point in humanity’s spiritual evolution has been reached. January 8, 2014 by John Smallman Humanity’s quest for meaning, the ever ongoing search for a life purpose other than plain survival in an environment that does not support your bodily needs without a lot of effort and focus on your part, is now becoming far clearer to you. For eons basic survival was the driving force in human lives, but over the last few decades many of you have found yourselves in situations that are conducive to contemplation, to wise and thoughtful consideration of your religious, philosophical, political, and cultural beliefs and values – beliefs and values that had been imposed from without and which you had accepted unquestioningly. You no longer do so and this has and is causing anxiety and doubt of a nature not previously experienced. The comfortable acceptance of rigid dogmas and of the judgments attached to them has been severely shaken and is leading to a renewed and enthusiastic search for true spiritual guidance, guidance that does not come laden with a set of personally motivated agendas from self appointed and arrogant authority figures that are in conflict with its claimed ideals. As you have so often been told you are divine beings of enormous power, and for eons you have collectively been using that power – without awareness – to maintain and support an illusion that imposes severe restrictions and limitations upon you, not the least of which are time and your human bodies. Time, which from your perspective can seem endless and overwhelming in respect to the formation of universes, galaxies, and star systems, and bodies which last only a very short time and which during that brief lifespan suffer frequently through illness, accident, or the untoward and unconscionable actions of others. Not a very encouraging or enticing environment in which to experience your all too brief lives. You are all eternal beings, and death is but part of the illusion, often an alarming part because it seems so final and inevitable. And as you have searched widely in recent decades for a culture, a philosophy, or a religion that offers truth and meaning many of you have opened your hearts to love, and have found it in the most unexpected places. You have realized that without love, forgiveness, and compassion that lasting peace is impossible. This realization has become apparent and is being acknowledged in personal relationships, has spread to families, to small social groups and organizations, and the wisdom and knowledge it demonstrates is now starting to be put into practice on a much wider scale. You are changing the world one person at a time, and that is the only way that lasting change can occur. Each one of you has to embrace and demonstrate love, honesty, integrity, and trust, and each day more and more of you are doing just that. A major turning point in humanity’s spiritual evolution has been reached, and there truly is only spiritual evolution, any other form is of the illusion and does not last. Spiritual evolution is the path to your awakening, and you are now most firmly established on it with the destination in sight. You will be pleased to know there is now not the slightest possibility of turning back or of retracing your steps, you are moving firmly forwards and nothing can prevent you from achieving your destiny. Once you embrace love, God’s Love offered to you in every moment, it is impossible for you not to share It and extend It because your individual energy fields expand every time that you do so, creating for yourself an irresistible space of peace and acceptance that also draws others to you who then do likewise. The evolutionary progress that humanity has made over the last six or seven decades is quite astounding, and although there are still many who have chosen not to start evolving yet, and who are seemingly causing mayhem all over the world, the remaining time they have in positions from which they can continue to orchestrate conflict and betrayal is running out very rapidly. Some of them have finally started questioning their agendas, their motivations, because even they have been infected by Love, mainly for their progeny, which previously they inoculated themselves against so that they would have the strength to bury their true feelings as they drove all those with whom they were involved to sacrifice themselves for “the cause.” The cause being their own personal agenda to maintain power over others at all costs, even if it meant destroying their loved ones. But then of course their loved ones were merely possessions to be used as circumstances demanded to consolidate or strengthen their positions. Your history clearly shows that these power-driven dynasties are always defeated eventually, even if they do succeed in the short term in living in great wealth or splendor while doing great damage to others during their time in power. Your history also shows very clearly that replacing one dynasty with another, as has happened so many times, solves no problems whatsoever in the long term. Power sought and fought for divides and corrupts totally, while your innate power, which can never be taken from you, your divine inheritance given to you at the moment of your creation is inclusive, accepting, and eternally incorporated within each of you because you are all One perfectly integrated Whole with God. The power that you can gain on Earth through force of arms, manipulation of others, deceit, or betrayal is but a form of quicksand, a swamp, a whirlpool that sucks you in crushing and smothering you, filling you with fear, and distracting you from your life’s purpose – awakening. It has always to be protected and defended, and that alone demonstrates that it is not power but weakness. You do not need and should not seek that kind of power over others, because, apart from the harm you do to them, you do great and lasting damage to yourselves by engaging with it. It very effectively turns you against yourself in inner conflict because you can never live up to the standards you demand of yourself to prove that you are invincible, which of course you are not. You become ever more removed from the true You as you avoid loving attitudes or behaviors of any kind in order to remain strong. Happiness becomes impossible and bitterness and anger rule you as you seek out and destroy any whom you think might deceive or betray you, leaving you apparently alone, isolated, and separated from Love, God, your Source – even while perhaps claiming to do His Will. But those separated ones are not separated, because separation is not an option, they are merely unaware because they have closed their eyes to His Light, and their hearts to His Love. When you surrender to the Will of God, which as you well know is also your will, you open yourselves to His Love allowing It to flow through you, thus intensely strengthening your own individual energy fields and encouraging them to join together with those of others bringing you together as one. And in that surrender lies your eternal power, a power that you can never lose and which makes you as invincible as your Source. No one will remain forever closed to God, because the Light of His Love burns within each one of you and is, in the end, utterly irresistible. So send love to those who are lost and shut down, no matter how harshly they are behaving, and thereby intensify the Love burning within you. As we keep telling you Love, and Love alone, is the answer to every problem. You have only to allow It to flow freely, without let or hindrance, and all will be eternally well. And there is no way that you can stop It from flowing freely, abundantly, and eternally, because It is All, there is nothing else. Your loving brother, Jesus. Posted in Uncategorized | 3 Comments » You truly are the beloved children of God temporarily lost within the confusing maze that is the illusion. January 3, 2014 by John Smallman Another year has passed and humanity still waits for the event, the awakening, the move into full consciousness, yet nothing of note seems to have occurred to indicate that you are any closer. Naturally doubts and suspicions arise. Is it all pie in the sky, wishful thinking? Or is humanity just a biological system, for instance like a colony of ants, in which a biological drive or determinant, with no real awareness of itself, causes a flow of energy or activity that produces, through chemical interactions, a large number of different directives causing the colony to split into warring factions. Warring factions with very different but strongly held conflicting beliefs. Is life in fact meaningless, godless, pure happenstance? Many of you are experiencing doubts like this, or similar ones, and yet deep within you know that these doubts are unwarranted because you know that you truly are the beloved children of God temporarily lost within the confusing maze that is the illusion. In your confusion, in that felt sense of aloneness you want comfort, reassurance, Love. The confusion is a powerful distraction that drives anxieties and doubts through your minds at high speed (“roof-brain chatter”) making it very difficult for you to access the quiet inner space where you can find peace, stillness, and the certainty that you are an inseparable part of your Source. And of course the remedy for these doubts and anxieties is, as always, to go within and allow your thoughts to flow by unattended to as you rest in that quiet inner sanctum. Do not engage with or follow a line of thought because that defeats the purpose of going within. Be patient, and to assist yourself in remaining quiet and undisturbed it can be helpful to repeat a short mantra, listen to some relaxing music at a low volume, or unfocus your eyes while looking at a flower, a candle, or nothing in particular. In fact you could do all of the above. What counts is finding something that works for you, and you can ask for help with this from those in the spiritual realms with whom you feel an affinity – a favorite saint or angel, or any spiritual being you feel comfortable calling upon for help. You all have someone who you believe responds to you – and of course they do! – and even if you have not called on them for a very long time they are still there for you, waiting expectantly with willing and loving help. Call on them, they truly want to assist you. It is important to keep reminding yourselves that you really are the beloved children of God whose Love for you is infinite, constant, and uninterruptible. The illusion is an enormously distracting influence on you because it is basically a collective ego construct that desperately wants you to believe that it is real, and you must admit it does a very good job of convincing you. But the only Reality is eternal, everlasting, and indestructible. Anything that decays, wears out, breaks down, crumbles, disintegrates, or just fades away with time is unreal. So, yes, your bodies are unreal, but You are not, You are eternal beings just like your heavenly Father. There is no death. Life is eternal. What you experience as death is just a laying down of the body that has served you during your excursion into the illusion and that you no longer need or have a use for. You move on, leaving it to return to the dust from which it was constructed now that its purpose has been fulfilled. Do not mourn it because without your enlivening presence it is nothing – inanimate material in an illusory and non-existent environment. An environment that you collectively built and maintain. Humanity has made the decision to awaken, consequently the pillars, the foundations, the underpinnings that support the illusion are crumbling and disintegrating. In terms of geological time, those seemingly endless eons since the Big Bang, and even before it, the crumbling and disintegration appears very slow, like – as you might choose to describe it – watching paint dry, or, a little more realistically (bearing in mind that within the illusion nothing is real) watching rocks wear away beneath a waterfall. However, the illusion lasted but an instant, a brief indeterminate moment while you entertained a thought of the unthinkable – separation from your Source. Separation from your Source, God, your heavenly Father is utterly impossible, as you have so often been told, and the thought of such an impossible situation could not and did not last. Nevertheless, you, humanity, is seemingly experiencing a state of separation so dire that awareness, knowingness, the ever-warming divine embrace in which creation is eternally enfolded, does not appear to be enfolding you. And you see all around you conflict, mistrust, and betrayal that seems to confirm this unhappy experience. Remind yourselves yet again that you are divine beings, utterly inseparable from God, and that you are to awaken into the brilliant infinitely loving Light of eternal day where perfect peace and harmony of a nature completely beyond your ability to conceive of have you enfolded in a state of permanent and ecstatic bliss. It is time to release your tight hold on the illusion – after all the decision to do so has already been made – and allow yourselves to awaken to a resounding and magnificent welcome from all in the spiritual realms. Your loving brother, Jesus. Posted in Uncategorized | 15 Comments » Donations are always gleefully received! Archives Email Subscription Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. 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Posted on: Wed, 26 Mar 2014 14:33:06 +0000

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