As you people know that I definitely genuinely LOVE my cats a lot, - TopicsExpress


As you people know that I definitely genuinely LOVE my cats a lot, and Housing & Development Board (HDB) wants to take them away from my life. 1. Its totally out of question for us to abandon them. 2. Pet cats definitely cant survive well on streets as they already lost the instincts to fend for themselves, furthermore most of them are born in the house. 2009, this white kitten with pretty light blue eyes appeared under our shoe rack and she looks really pitiful and really afraid of humans. So we decided to feed her some rice and water, placing it outside our corridor. Sometimes she disappear and sometimes she came back, we didnt decide to keep her yet and we wouldnt let her in the house.Time by time, we started playing with her and developed feelings for her and let her enter our doorstep. As time goes by, we let her into our house and finally decided to keep her. As she still has her freedom where she could just come into our house or stay out, she got pregnant and gave birth to 3 sons on 2011. 2012, she disappeared for 3 days and came back dirty, skinny and hurt. I suspect its my neighbor who had hurt her and scared her away. She came back extremely hungry and abused. We just dropped it because we dont have any evidence. As time goes by again, they told us that my cats are shitting at their drain, which when we passed by we would pick it up and throw it away. We took action on our lower gate putting some nets to keep them from going out. However, cats are curious and are outdoor creatures, they would climb all the way up to get out and sometimes we didnt notice that they got out, we closed our door without knowing they gone out. End of 2012, there is this pet black cat came to our corridor meowing all night, I think the black cat is a pet of somebodys in the same block because it was wearing crystal collar and some accessories. So we didnt really bother it, until our neighbor complained about us, which isnt our cat. We kind of had feeling for this black cat already because it stayed at our corridor for weeks without letting him in. He was extremely human friendly. As due to his noise production, we brought him to sterilize and place him as a stray elsewhere because Town Council came to warn us as our neighbor complains about him. A week later, he found his way back here and we havent decide to keep him or not because we already got our hands full. Again, my neighbor complained and town council people came and took him away which we are quite sad about it because we did develop feelings for him already. Oh well, so she put him few streets away. Weeks after, he came back again! We were quite shocked and relieved, and then we decided to keep him. So now, we had total of 5 cats which things are getting a bit out of hand because the black one doesnt get along well with the other 4. They really love to go outdoor and we didnt really want to take the freedom from them, When they shit at the drain, and when we saw it, we definitely picked their poop up and disposed it away properly. However, my neighbor may had seen it first and they really hate cats alot and became really unhappy and they complained again. So Town Council people came again and warn us, we took action by netting our gate fully and also closed our doors at all time. 2014, they just had to keep complaining and complaining just because they had issues with cats. Now they complained about our corridor being smelly to the higher ups. So HDB did not give us a choice or listen to us at all and just gave us 2 weeks to remove our cats. Telling us that we could keep 1 small licensed dog but not cats. Seriously? Have you ever thought of how maligned we are when we kept our cats indoor all the times. They are already part of the family and we will not abandon our cats under any circumstances. I cannot imagine the days without my cats in my life. They are mine and we are their ONLY family too. My neighbors are too free to complaint through their dislike without any supporting evidence. I feel that we also had rights to fight for our own likes in our house, my cats right. What to do to protect my cats being taken away? );
Posted on: Mon, 31 Mar 2014 17:45:39 +0000

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