As you vote Tuesday I ask you think about a couple things. - TopicsExpress


As you vote Tuesday I ask you think about a couple things. 1st. As much as you disagree with all the Govt programs, entitlements and liberal views of many Democrats that waste tax dollars and keep folks relying on the system. Ask yourself a few honest questions. How many people in your own circle of family, friends, and neighbors at some point in their lives have needed or need some of these programs to survive? The elderly struggling just to pay for health care and prescriptions? Retirees who, with the World Trade Agreement lost pensions when companies bellied up or sold off to foreign owned companies importing goods into America? Children who have lost school funding, parks and recreation money and tax revenue for programing to better education because NAFTA enabled companies to leave American Communities and move to Mexico or Canada while CEOs and Board Members made ungodly salaries yet claimed they would go bankrupt if operating in America? How about you? Who like most of us, took pay cuts and ungodly health premiums during the last Republican held Senate and Congress while most fortune 500 companies reported record profits. Inc all major insurance carriers. I challenge anyone to show me a person not affected by NAFTA and REPUBLICAN lobbyists of these major corporations that not only stood by, but supported the decisions of many of these corporations. 2nd. Take a look at your life right now. Your bank account. Your debt, your financial commitments. How close are you to EVER ACHIEVING the status of life Most Republican Leaders live? For the record Republican leaders have an estimated wealth of over 12.3 million dollars each. Yet most only pay about 10% to 15% of that wealth in taxes each yr. While you brunt the burden for the poor and rich alike with 27% to 33% of your earnings going to taxes. But dont just ponder on that. Ask yourself if tragedy struck your family, if you lost your job, if you became sick and disabled, How long could you survive without work? How long would your money last before you were broke? How fast would the bills add up and the lifestyle you live, out grow the TRUE NET WORTH YOU HAVE? What would you do then? LASTLY, ARE YOU CLOSER TO BEING BROKE OR CLOSER TO BEING A MILLIONAIRE? Answer that honestly and you have all you need to know on who you should honestly be voting for. We may not always agree with all Democrats do...I surely dont. But I damn sure know who is gonna be there if I ever do need help from my government. Just one mans opinion who voted Republican for a long time. With Joel Arredondo. Michael Perry David Szabo Frankie Pagan Ron Russell Michelle Pullin Tim Carrion Rey Carrion Patty Krasienko Tony Krasienko Christopher Olejko Victoria Flores. Bryan Koury Mathew Vidovich Joe Flores Jeremy Leyva David Wisniewski Jose Torres Matt Mendiola Julie Hernandez Julie Cruz Blair Fleming Julius Mosely. If I tagged you and you disagree I m sorry. I just recognized each of your dedication to Lorain. IF YOU AGREE PLEASE REPOST ON YOUR PAGE. WE CANT AFFORD A REPUBLICAN SENATE.
Posted on: Sun, 02 Nov 2014 07:35:49 +0000

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