As youll see in this fascinating and frightening 35 minute video, - TopicsExpress


As youll see in this fascinating and frightening 35 minute video, posted in 2012, these camps were begun in the 1980s. And, unless I missed it, NONE of those State Department ALERTS youll see are ALL PRE-OBAMA! To my knowledge, the obama maladministration has halted either creating or publishing those reports. In fact, obama has appointed a number of ardent muslims -- some of whom have direct connection to radical groups -- to Homeland Security and other departments, either in the name of Political Correctness or due to his having been schooled in Indonesia and his admitted affinity for the muslim cause -- even if that cause involves the destruction of our way of life and freedoms. And because Holder is on the same page with obama, the FBI that used to closely monitor these guys BEFORE obozos election is now doing so less frequently (if at all) or those agents as concerned about them as I am are doing it on their own time! That might be because Holder has ALSO salted the DOJ with muslims and the word is out to the troops to back off. And if the somewhat repetitive nature of the content of this video annoys you, my marketing experience informs me that your average customer for a message requires a minimum of seven -- count em -- SEVEN impressions before the message sticks or sinks in. The fact that these 35 (and more now) training camps still exist here also tells me that we are either slow learners or so into the tolerance and diversity madness now moving us ever closer to the edge of the abyss. To learn MORE about this subject -- if you have time -- drop the phrase Jihad training camps in US into the You Tube search bar. https://youtube/watch?v=IjML6FN8yjo PS: Be afraid. Be VERY AFRAID! Oh yes. Also be ALERT! 9/11/14 is just around the corner. Please avoid densely populated public places! Just sayin.
Posted on: Sun, 31 Aug 2014 19:24:24 +0000

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