As young people we grew up believing that there some chigawenga - TopicsExpress


As young people we grew up believing that there some chigawenga outside the country who was up to no good tracing the state President Ngwazi Dr.H.Kamuzu Banda and that he would assassinate him at any opportunity. The picture that we had was that of a heavily built being armed to teeth. At the dawn of multiparty democracy this dissidentcame back to Malawi after over 25 years in exile and said at a press conference From the time of Napoleon Bonaparte the pen has been mightier than the sword. By any standards the man had a good flair of the Queens language and would make you want to listen to him more. He looked more harmless than the picture he was painted to be for 25 plus years. Unfortunately living for that long period outside the country he had evidently lost touch with realities of politics on the ground and that is perhaps why his coming back had no impact at all. But for sure he was not Chigawenga as we were meant to believe. This man only wanted a better Malawi and a better leadership. His name is Kanyama Chiume. So sad that these are the pictures that we paint and names we call those fighting for better things in society.
Posted on: Mon, 22 Sep 2014 04:35:32 +0000

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