AsSalaamAlaikum. Hope your well. I would like to ask you for a - TopicsExpress


AsSalaamAlaikum. Hope your well. I would like to ask you for a small little favour by getting us much vote as possible for this precious little angel as possible. (All the information is below). We only have a few days left and are desperate for all the votes,support and Duas as possible. Is it possible for you to paste it on your page and spread the word please. ( Including friends and family ) every vote counts. If you need any more information then please get in touch. JazakAllahKhair. This sisters daughter her name is Maryam she is 6 years old and is disabled with complex medical needs. She was a perfectly healthy bouncing baby however at 18 months old unfortunately she was struck very unexpectedly with a rare virus which left her sadly very damaged. She now has a heart condition, a kidney condition, suffered a stroke leading to paralysis of the right-side of her body, is profoundly deaf and is unable to speak. She communicates using BSL (British Sign Language) but often that is difficult for her as she cannot make full use of her right hand. The stroke has left her unable to walk and she uses an adapted chair. She also suffers from curvature of the spine which makes movement extremely uncomfortable for her. She also has a Mitochondrial Disorder and her symptoms include reduced growth, low energy and muscle weakness. She has a poor immune function and a cough and cold can leave her ill for weeks. Despite all this Maryam is a very happy girl who smiles constantly and has an amazing spirit,mashaAllah. She is my little angel and my teacher. As Maryam is unable to walk, the staff at her school have to carry her up and down the stairs when moving around. Due to her existing conditions, this is not ideal and not comfortable for Maryam and nor the staff. I have applied for £5000 Community Award to help towards the cost of installing a £16,000 chair lift on the stairs leading to the school hall where she can join in all the activities with the rest of the children safely and comfortably. The school hall is the hub of the school where daily assemblies take place, is used as a dining hall, for sports activities, school plays, all extra curricular activities and social events. It is so important that she is able to access all of these so that she can learn and play together with the rest of the children allowing her to build friendships and grow and become more independent. These facilities will benefit other children and staff and many others in years to come. This will become a very valuable resource for the community making it very inclusive for the disabled community. The Foundation which allocates the Community Awards works on a voting system. The project which receives the highest number of votes from the public wins the £5000 award. I am competing against 152 other projects nationally. I am urging everybody for their valuable support and asking you to vote for the school so they are successful in gaining the award. The project is titled, Corpus Christi RC School: Breaking Down Barriers For SEN Children and can be voted for at the link below: https://engagemutual/foundation/projects/222260/ The closing date for voting is before noon on Monday 17th November and we need to obtain as many votes as possible. You will be asked to register first and any problems voting please call the freephone number 0800 169 4321 (8am-8pm) on the website. Please! Please! Can I ask you to vote as we desperately need the votes. Also please share this with everyone and encourage all your friends, relatives, work colleagues etc. to vote too as we are up against tough competition. This is a valuable opportunity to make a real positive difference for children who already face significant challenges in their lives and only takes a minute of your time. InshaAllah your taking time to vote for the project will count as a form of sadaqah. Sadaqah extinguishes sin, as water extinguishes fire. (Ahmad, Ibn Majah & Tirmidhi). All I wish for is that my daughter is happy, comfortable and safe at school. My experience has taught me that we should cherish and appreciate every single moment and milestone with our children as illness can strike anyone at anytime turning our lives upside down. Thank you for taking the time reading this and all I ask for is some of your valuable time in helping to support our precious children. Please take the time to vote and share this email, and above all please remember Maryam in your duas.
Posted on: Fri, 14 Nov 2014 19:18:11 +0000

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