Asalaam alaikum wa rahmatullah You know i was looking for a - TopicsExpress


Asalaam alaikum wa rahmatullah You know i was looking for a reference which i could use against the colouring and dressing up of the dead on halloween etc and i have found it in this story own the destruction of a city which was caused by god almighty when god revealed the destruction time to them they used to digest and use mockery against god almighty buy paint in their faces and dressing up like the dead had risen from the grave surely anybody who does not this day would say to you im doing this as a festive celebration where does this festive celebration emanates from america why am i not surprised the land of the infidels what does infidel mean it means non believers and even though they say they are christians jews muslims whatever they are non believers trust me because they do not have the qualities yes the true qualities of true believers the majority people who say they are but do not follow what they say they are to the full extent how can these people be truthful this is why they are called the infidels people who are not true believers when people hear the word infidels they think its some word thats made up by muslim scholars in fact it is an english word which describes new non true believers how can that be so long to describe them can i people sure they are worst words than this so in conclusion if the painting of faces and dressing up as the dead risen and even monsters and ghouls and witches all these things are pagan mystic rituals and entities we should not be copying them because these were used in days gone by to ridicule god almighty so for the sake of god almighty dont take part in these stupid rituals and festivities because as one knows everything gets recorded for judgement day ameen
Posted on: Mon, 01 Dec 2014 06:53:21 +0000

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