Asalam alaikum now we know who wrote the King James bible a black - TopicsExpress


Asalam alaikum now we know who wrote the King James bible a black man why was it later changed and the face of King James to a white man and now that the KKK and some of those other haters know the truth Im sure they are embarrassed that the book they com it tired all the crimes with was written by a black man. And later translated into a white mans bible a white Jesus a white James if you say Im Protestants , Baptist,Methodist Shitte, Sunni,Salafi are you christian and Muslims ? Im Muslim thats it I saw something wrong with the division even as a christian years ago . Jesus didnt call himself by those names nor did Muhammad (PBUT) now there is another war Jesus or Muhammad what about Moses and Abraham who is known to be the father of all nations. Why is he being forgotten in all of this belief like King James until recently many of us didnt know who he was like Timbuktu a legend a myth no ! It all they all exist we have just been brain washed or lied to. I heard of Timbuktu all my life but ask seriously in my family and just like the people today of Mali who wont discuss it , It was buried in history or treated as though it was an old wives tell.
Posted on: Wed, 21 Jan 2015 01:53:08 +0000

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