AsalamuAlaikum, This is a story from us as a family. My - TopicsExpress


AsalamuAlaikum, This is a story from us as a family. My youngest sister is disabled, she was born with a cleft lip and palate, cannot walk at all (wheelchair) and is mentally slow for her age. At the moment shes 15. As a family weve struggled a lot, but not more than my father has - he is a hero in our eyes. My mother also suffers from various illnesses and is basically bed bound so my father since a young age has been a mother and father to all us kids whilst also taking care of his wife. When my youngest sister was born, many people made comments, it may be due to a sin that your child was born this way, aww I feel so sorry for you, you shouldnt have had another child 3 was enough etc. But I can honestly say, since shes been a part of our lives the barakah, prosperity and happiness in our home has increased, shes the life (jaan) of the house, without her everything is incomplete and we all love her to bits. Its sad to see such mentality within the society where they frown upon anyone with the slightest disability and use it against them to dis-empower them they fail to see the blessings in disguise Allah (swt) sends to us. My sister has taught us all patience, strengthened us a family as we all take on different responsibilities regarding her care. This is not to say the journey is easy, there were many times shed say dad i want to walk and itd bring us to tears to our eyes, and because shes a girl my dad worries about her future and what will happen after he passes away. But Allah (swt) is the best of providers and protectors, He will make a way I ask everyone to try to eradicate the stigma they have attached to the disabled - its rude to point, its rude to stare at someone like theyre an alien, its rude to laugh, its rude to gossip and whisper, for once think of the impact itll have on the girl/boys self esteem. Allah created us all and He doesnt differentiate based on appearances - you dont like it when someone says anything to your own child, dont do it to someone elses child - make a conscious effort to change. May Allah (swt) forgive us, guide us all and help us protect those who are most vulnerable in society.
Posted on: Thu, 15 May 2014 22:22:03 +0000

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