Asalāmu`alaykum wrwb and Jumu`āh Mubārakah Ummah. :) On this - TopicsExpress


Asalāmu`alaykum wrwb and Jumu`āh Mubārakah Ummah. :) On this blessed day of Jumu`āh, do remember to recite and reflect upon the treasure that is Sūrah Al-Kāhf; to make abundant supplications for our brothers and sisters all over the world, but especially the oppressed and suffering in Palestine, Syria, `Irāq, Egypt, Libya, CAR, Kashmīr, Afghānistān, Pākistān, Bangladesh, Burma, China, and elsewhere in the east as well as the west; to send abundant blessings and peace upon the one sent as a mercy to the worlds, our beloved and the beloved of the Lord of the two worlds, our #MasterMuhammad salAllāhu `alayhi wa sallim; and to ask Allāh Subhāna Hu wa Ta`āla by His belovedsﷺ Wasīlah, to forgive and guide, to protect and bless, to grant ease and relief to, and to increase and accept from hisﷺ Ummah. Āmīn, Āmīn, Āmīn! Narrated Sayyidina Abū Hurayrāh Radi Allāhu `Anhu: the Prophetﷺ said, “Whoever removes a grief from a believer from amongst the sorrows of this life, Allāh will remove a grief from him amongst the sorrows of the Day of Resurrection. Whoever brings ease to one in difficulty, Allāh will make it easy for him in this life and the Hereafter. Whoever covers a Muslim, Allāh will cover him in this life and the Hereafter. Allāh is in aid of the servant so long as the servant is in aid of his brother.” (Sahīh Muslim). It has been a difficult week, no doubt, more so for our brothers and sisters who live overseas, but nothing brings relief like reading the Divine word of Allāh and the narrations of His Habībﷺ, and putting our Dīn into practice. We ask Al-Rashīd, the Guide to the Right Path, to grant us this honour, and to allow us to follow in the noble footsteps of the Best of Creationﷺ. Allāhumma salli `ala Sayyidina wa Habībīna wa Shafī`ina Muhammad, wa `ala Ālihi wa Sahbihi wa bārik wa sallim, walHamdulilāhi Rabb Al-`Ālāmīn!
Posted on: Thu, 18 Dec 2014 11:04:30 +0000

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