Ascended Master, Lady Nada’s Weekly Message ~ July 24 – July - TopicsExpress


Ascended Master, Lady Nada’s Weekly Message ~ July 24 – July 31, 2014 Consumed by Peace 24 July 2014 Channeler:Julie Miller Wherever you, whatever it is you are doing we encourage you to always bring peace and love during any instance you may find yourself in. Beautiful Bright Hearts, we understand how difficult coming from a place of peace and love can be all the time when there are so many diverse people for you to encounter, and some of these people seem to purposely get in your way, cause disturbance in your own peaceful demeanor. When you are feeling upset by those around you, regardless if they just walked by you in a huff, behaving in a way you disapprove, or someone you know that is with you, but has angered or annoyed you, before reacting with your heated emotions and feelings, how about taking a few cleansing breaths: Have your in-breath be peace and your outbreath be love. Think these each time for several seconds possibly a few minutes. You find closing your eyes as you work at calming yourself to help. Only you can bring yourself into a calmer state, where you are able to conduct yourself logically, peacefully and with kindness. This is a positive choice that you have the power of making. We understand how easy it can be to allow yourself to be overrun by your emotions. It is a lot harder to rein them in, but in the long run…for the betterment of your emotional, mental and physical health, the effort is worth it. There is never any good reason to choose anger over peace and love. The moment you feel yourself becoming angered or frustrated, learn the reason why. Identify with it, let the feeling or emotion show you, tell you what the matter is. Be ready, maturely for the honesty and truthfulness of the situation. Many times what you have become upset over is truly trivial. In order for your wishes and wants of a world and its inhabitants behaving more peacefully and loving towards one another, such changes must begin with you. You must begin cultivating the world you live in to become more peaceful and more loving and this Beautiful Bright Hearts, is a journey that takes you deep within yourself. It is during such a journey you will discover and explore possibly many hidden truths, truths that you preferred the outside world not to know. But in order to become more peaceful and more loving, you must uncover ALL your truths, allow your true and authentic self to shine instead of always pretending. The truly insightful ones will see through your masquerades. God already knows all your secrets. He has witnessed the darkest of your thoughts and He has heard the mumbles in your mind and under your breath; words that are harsh, mean and sometimes critical of others. Remember dear ones, whenever you judge another for any inadequacy you see and find distasteful, you are pushing your own insecurities, inadequacies on another and blaming them for being who or what you are not. The judgements or criticisms you declare about another dear soul are actually declarations of yourself. The person at the brunt of your upset does not deserve such demeaning punishment, you don’t either deserve such punishment when someone else treats you the same. Each of you deserves to be treated with love, compassion and respect. But as we said before, the good you want to see in the world which you live, must begin with you, not with other people. When you begin to reflect and demonstrate goodness, others will eventually follow suit. When you take the time to go within, to find that deep well of peace, your whole self seems to exhale the deepest cleansing of breaths, that you finally reached a place of deep knowing and understanding. When you find this place of deep peace within yourself, in truth you’ll not want to leave it as it feels very good for your entire person. What makes you feel good, you want to keep and preserve. Instead of keeping this good feeling to yourself, selflessly and with great thought and mindfulness, you begin to share your peaceful demeanor, your new loving way in all manners and in all instances. You are able to see that you always had the choice to choose peace over chaos, and love over hate. You’ve always had the choice. No matter what it is that you are doing, where you are going or who you are with; it also makes no difference on the kind of person that is before you…to allow the deep inner peace to consume you, you must be ready heart and soul for the next stage of your journey. Coming from a place of continual peace is not going to be boring, it will be exciting and it will lead you in a direction where your challenges will be different, yet instructional and always providing you with opportunities to practice your new peaceful and loving stance with life and with all living things, including other people and yourself. At first this peaceful, loving way of being and living may be difficult until you adjust and allow the healing energy of your own inner peace to envelope you and to become a walking, breathing being of pure hearted peace and love. In time, with great practice, no doubt much time spent in meditation to help calm the busy mind, your peaceful and loving way will become automatic, it will always be there with you as you and peace become one and the same. Remember to breathe in peace and exhale love. Beautiful Bright Hearts, each of you have already the capacity to attain such a peaceful, loving way. The choice to be at peace and to share love that is authentic and unconditional has always been something you could have chosen. It has never been out of reach as both reside within you, waiting for you to come home to. Become the peaceful and loving person you are meant to be. Free yourself from the expectations of others, and become your own master of peace and love, and always looking for ways to incorporate more peace, more love and to share both in every step, every breath, every word, in every thought, in every feeling, with every action and with ALL your choices. Peace and love will consume you, it will become you and all you do will become God in action. And so it is… I AM Ascended Master, Lady Nada… …through Julie Miller
Posted on: Thu, 24 Jul 2014 13:58:08 +0000

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