[Ascended Master Level - 1]: Activation of DNA Strand Template - TopicsExpress


[Ascended Master Level - 1]: Activation of DNA Strand Template 30-48 allows a being to fully embody the frequencies and consciousness of the Khundaray Primal Sound Fields from the Energy Matrix beyond the Time Matrix. When a being activates the Khundaray within its body and consciousness it becomes what is known as a Khundara or “Yani,” a fully embodied Yanas, which is the legitimate use of the term “Ascended Master.” (See: Mashayah) (Voyagers I, Page 173) Ascended Master is a term that is highly misused within the contemporary New Age movement, particularly by 4th Dimensional discarnate collectives who interact with Earth humans from the D-4 Astral planes (Soul Matrix), calling themselves by this term, when in fact such D-4 groups are hardly more advanced than Earth humans in the evolution towards ascended mastery. True Ascended Masters are not identities who have progressed in partial ascension within the dimensional scales of the Time Matrix. An Ascended Master is a highly evolved Ultra-terrestrial gestalt of consciousness, in pure ante-matter wave form, that exist BEYOND the dimensionalization of the Time Matrix, within the 3 levels of the non-dimensional Energy Matrix. Though all beings in time (Time Matrix) originally began their journey of individualization (See: Downstepping) through such and Ultra-terrestrial Collective, and thus each being has, as part of its higher identity anatomy 3 levels of ascended mastery consciousness, a being within the Time Matrix is not considered to be the embodiment of an Ascended Master unless the being has experienced a full projection into the Time Matrix and a full 15-Dimensional ascension back out of the Time Matrix, before returning to manifestation within time. Such criteria for ascended mastery is used because a being entering manifestation within the Time Matrix for the first time experiences fragmentation of its geometrical morphogenetic field as it enters dimensionalization. It is the connection of the geometrical structures of the morphogenetic field scalar grids that allows for a being to attain a conduit of communication with its ascended mastery identity levels. On the first projection into time, the morphogenetic field is fragmented, thus temporarily severing the conduit of communication between manifest identities and the ascended mastery levels. As a being proceeds to evolve within the dimensions of the Time Matrix, the geometrical structures of the morphogenetic field progressively reassemble, re-opening the conduits of communication through first the dimensionalized identity levels, then finally with the ascended mastery identity levels beyond time, when the consciousness has merged its 15 dimensionalized Hova Bodies and transmuted into the ante-matter Rishi state of being. Through this first evolution, the morphogenetic codes (scalar wave patterns) of the entire 15-Dimensional Matrix become embodied within the identitys morphogenetic field and these codes will remain and the consciousness leaves the Time Matrix to return to the Ultra-terrestrial Collective. When an ascended being chooses to re-enter the Time Matrix for incarnation, the morphogenetic codes it collected in its first projection in time will remain, and upon the second projection these codes of ascension or Cap Stone Codes can be imbued within the morphogenetic fields of the dimensionalized identity aspects, where they will manifest as dormant potentialities within the physical genetic code of the Incarnate and Soul bodies in Harmonic Universes 1 and 2 Only incarnates who posses the Cap Stone Codes within the DNA imprint, in the present life time, posses the genetic ability to translate the ascended mastery levels of consciousness through the embodied gene code. Thus only beings that have achieved full ascension and then returned to incarnation are considered to be true embodiments of Ascended Masters. Rishi , Avatars, Souls and Over-souls, though all transcended levels of identity, do not qualify as true Ascended Masters unless their gestalt of consciousness has fully completed at least one full cycle of ascension out of time. Ascended Masters can access the Triadic, Polaric or Eckatic Cosmic Memory Records. (See: Energy Matrix) (See: Mashayah) Ascended Masters are called Commodores/Elder Consummates (5th Degree ministers - Triadic and Polaric Level Integration) or Eckars (6th Degree ministers - Eckatic Level Integration) , in the Melchizedek Cloister Ordination Program (MCEO). (The Tangible Structure of the Soul - Page 23) [keylonticdictionary.org/] ________________________________________________ THE VECA CONSCIOUSNESS CODES SYMBOLS Symbols hold a mathematical pattern of intention, an intention of originally held creation. That intention gets down-stepped, in the form of mathematics, to hold living forms of life forces that take on the shape of symbols. A symbol in its whole state is a Being - a part of one of the consciousness streams. So were co-creating when we use one of these symbols, entering a relationship of co-creation, calling upon the power of the symbol and the part of us that is manifest as that mathematical program. Symbols are alive - we are all symbols. When we see each other, we dont see the whole truth, just what appears to be under certain condition - this is the symbol level of ourselves. The symbol codes we use are just the outer body, the outside form, but they are conscious thinking forms of the primal forces that are intelligent and sentient on their own. The symbols can teach us many things - we exist as the symbols - symbols are part of the consciousness that everything is made of. Theres an intimacy to our relationship with the symbols when we realize we are using much more than just an inanimate dryness. The symbols are interactive, and will talk back when we get quiet and interact with them. It becomes interesting when we start to use the living consciousness of the mathematical programs of the EirA, ManU, and ManA as they exist here in our bodies. Once we find that connection in our bodies, and find that piece of the primal force within us, we start to have a co-resonance or vibration, thats not just about us. We start to feel as part of our own self, other parts of creation including each other. We start to feel the oneness. Were dealing with templates of pre-light and pre-sound, what comes before what we know as light and sound. The symbols are God languages of light, symbol, sound, and color. When working with the symbols, were really working with wave spectra. They are also specific mathematical programs that represent specific scalar wave patterns that go with the planets and our own personal shields. Shields are the templates upon which matter accretes, the templates behind matter. Symbols are light technologies, because you can see them, and their energy oscillates. Everything is a light-sound pattern - everything has its core tone, the first expression of that form, whatever that form is. The codes act as a core set of specific mathematical coordinates. In activating the High Vecas, using the tones and images, which are all math coordinates, the more you’ll activate, allowing you to personally plug into those fields and to accelerate the process of bringing in your avatar awareness. These symbols are already in Earths and our DNA templates. We just use them on the outside and bounce them off ourselves, thereby stimulating them into activation. Symbols allow us to more rapidly wake ourselves up. ________________________________________________ VECA CODES There are five categories: Planetary Low Vecas of ManU (Taurenic-Akashic Codes), the Galactic Mid-Veca Codes of ImmanU (Akashic-Eckashic Codes), and the Universal Level-1 High Veca Codes of Immanual (Dolaric-Rishic Codes), the Cosmic Level-2 Codes of Immanuyana (Triadic-Polaric-Eckatic Codes), and the God Seed Yunasai codes of Eckasha (Source Codes). (The Yunasai Codes include the Eckasha code, which is also called the Yunasai-Eckasha God Seed Symbol). All these symbol codes contain the electro-tonal program or Kristiac mathematics for the Divine blueprint structure that comprises the 15-Dimensional structure of our Universe and our bodies. The Level-2 Immanuyana and Level-1 Immanuel High Veca Codes are PHOTO-RADIONIC Codes, carrying the Mathematical Programs of the Trion-Meajhe Field Khundaray Primal Sound AND Kee-Ra-ShA Primal Light Currents. The most powerful Yunasai-Eckasha Codes are PHOTO-SONIC Codes, carrying the Mathematical Programs of the Khundaray Current Primal Sound Meajhe Field AND their bridging God-Seed vibration-rhythms connecting to Source. The High Veca codes and the Eckasha symbol are the first codes that we use in these technologies. They are universal time codes for primal frequency access. Following induction and activation of these codes, we can then move on to the more advanced Veca code technologies in the Flame Body techniques (Product Code AF/CDT) and the “Dance for Programs” series. More advance applications of Veca Code technologies include the use of the Mid-Veca ImmanU and Low Veca Manu Codes, and the corresponding Seurias (body movements to direct frequency), following a period of initial induction and activation of the Yunasai and High Veca Codes. The Bi-Veca and Tri-Veca Codes (Universal Codes of Immanuel) facilitate the opportunity to open ones personal fields to the first levels of the Primal Life Currents: the Kee-Ra-ShA – Primal Light Fields. The Khu-, Dha and Rha Vecas (Cosmic Codes of Immanuyana) extend this process into the Primal Sound Fields (Khundaray). Using the Vecas gives us the potential to create trans-time bridges of frequency between ourselves and other simultaneous incarnations in other time vectors all through the whole density systems in our 15 Dimensional Time Matrix. Each Dimensional Field, and the Primal Light and Sound Field have a set of Veca Code programs, that, when activated in a Planet or Being, allow the corresponding Life Force Current, in its original organic Eternal Divine Blueprint or Divine Right Order form, to progressively embody. Coupled with the Eckasha, ManU, and related Codes, these “Keys” are Universal Navigational Tools enabling the serious and diligent student to insure that personal ascension efforts will be massively enhanced, focused and aligned with Divine Right Order. Together with their corresponding ManU Codes, these are known as the “Sacred Keys to the Kingdom of Heaven.” These Codes are those by which we genuinely open our fields to the Primal Life Force Currents called Source/ God (or Yunasai). We work with the symbol codes, the Vecas. The 12 Veca Codes talk to the shields. The Maharic Shield is the 12 Dimensional (D) portion of the shield that holds all the coding from D12 down to D1. The Maharic Shield literally is the Veca and Ecka Codes. The symbols are alive as well. Each symbol has an identity that is a part of you. If you saw yourself without the physical mask we are used to, you would see patterns of light and sound geometrically arranged. Veca Codes are mathematical programs that will assist your DNA to activate in very specific ways. Its the fastest DNA activation program on the planet. Its the original DNA activation program on the planet - its the Founders Program - and its the Kristos program. Veca Codes are power tools. These are very intense multi-dimensional mathematical codings that speak to our body templates and create change. They are mathematical programs that go with our DNA and with the grids - they anchor the frequencies of D12 and the Primal Light and Sound Fields. They open up the grids to receive the high frequencies. We do this in sequence - first D12, then D13, 14, 15, Light Fields, then the Sound Fields. We open ourselves to receive these frequencies when we put them into the grids. Using codes brings creation currents into the grids and into our bodies - the currents go into our bio-fields even if youre not an Indigo - use of codes brings them into your creation matrix. It begins the process of awakening frequencies (consciousness and energies) that go with our Christos Avatar level, Rishi level (D13-15), and Ascended Master levels of identity. They open up the DNA template to allow frequencies of consciousness into our body so we can start feeling like what we truly are. Veca Codes wont activate in your DNA or body unless you have a certain level of D12 frequency sub-harmonics activated in your system - your Christos frequencies. D12 always refers to the Kristos-level carrier wave. Kristos is the part of you stationed in D12. If you have not worked with the Maharic Shield or Veca Codes, you need to do the Emerald and Amethyst Awakening technique, the Khundaray Sequence (Can be found on product code ENT/2CD). The Khundaray Sequence has to be done at least once this lifetime, or the Veca Codes just wont activate in the DNA. Its the physics of the matter thats going to govern whether or not its going to work for you. You need to work with the Maharic frequencies for at least a month before your system is prepared to hold an activation of a Veca Code. Working with these codes in addition to the Maharic Shield and the Merkaba Healing exercises expedites restoration of the Divine blueprint within our DNA template. The Veca Codes link the planetary shields or scalar templates here and of Tara (Earth’s Density 2 Expression) and Gaia (Earth’s Density 3 Expression) into the Shield of Aramatena (Earth’s Density 4 Expression) in D12, then into the Primal Light and Primal Sound Fields. The Veca Code exercises also assist in opening the Maharic Shield to the Rishiac Shield and balancing the new frequencies that have been anchoring on Earth since the year 2000 (the Rishiac shield is the level of our Being in the 5th Density or Harmonic Universe Level in the Primal Light Fields). In practical terms, the Veca Code technologies facilitate healing of the subconscious mind, helping us to intercept incoming distortions or miasms that block the flow of God/Source perpetual Life-force energy flowing through our multidimensional anatomy. This healing will in turn allow us to receive, hold and transmit greater and greater quantities of interdimensional frequencies for our own and Client Healing facilitation...[azuritepress/articles/keys_for_ascension.php#.Und02Ya-2m4]
Posted on: Mon, 04 Nov 2013 10:20:32 +0000

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