Ascended Masters Newsletter Linda Stein-Luthke & Dr. Martin - TopicsExpress


Ascended Masters Newsletter Linda Stein-Luthke & Dr. Martin Luthke Issue # 185 January 2015 Join Our Mailing List Dear Friends, It is almost impossible to believe that it is already 2015 -- the year I will turn 70! When I was a freshman in college, I was asked to write a paper projecting the future of America for an Institutions course. I got an A on the paper. But it was very short. I said I didnt believe any of us would still be alive on the Earth for very much longer because wed created the atomic bomb. We now had the means to blow ourselves up completely, so why contemplate the future? Ive found that my contemporaries had similar thoughts. We were the beginning of the hippie generation, although I was never officially a hippie. Now I see that many of my contemporaries, (those who are still alive) just like me basically sold out. Many of us made it through and did quite well. Quite well, indeed. Some of my generation are now in the one percent whove forgotten about the 99 percent. What happened along the way? Not quite sure. I do have many other friends around my age who do care deeply about what is happening on the planet. There are standard bearers who are still actively seeking to create the change we said we wanted so many years ago. Many of you who read this newsletter belong to that group. And over time many of you have thought that opening to the Light is the answer. If youve kept current with the posts on our Facebook page, youve seen that we are receiving more pertinent information almost daily now about how to create the change weve been seeking. Of course, it all begins within us. But are we changing the world as we longed to do in our youth? According to the beings of Light who offer us guidance, the world is changing. And yes, we are part of what is creating that change. But not with marches and banners. Its a much quieter process. El Morya Khan has been offering us a great deal of insight in this regard. Weve received almost daily messages to aid us in comprehending at an even deeper level what we can do to more fully align ourselves with these new frequencies of Light that are filling the Earth plane. The main message seems to be to surrender to our own Light and allow it to guide us through the transformation we are seeking. Here is the message that is resonating most strongly with us. Many Blessings of Love and Light, Linda and Martin You Are the Light You Seek By the Ascended Master El Morya Khan Leia [Linda] is correct. We have been offering a series of lessons to aid her and Manalus [Martin] in more fully aligning to these heightened frequencies of Light that are now filling the Earth plane. Leia and Manalus have been most generous in accepting our support along with that of the multitude of beings of Light who have gathered to support all and everything residing on this plane as you shift to the higher frequencies that are now available. What we have sought to clarify in recent days is that although we are most grateful to be of service to you, we are not the final source of Light that you will seek to be fully open and connected to: the Light of Infinite Source. That Light resides within each and every one of you and in all that exists on your plane. You have often thought that there is someone outside yourself who is more powerful and worthy of your adoration. This is, of course, the foundation of all your worlds religions. But every great teacher who has become the symbol of a faith has counseled you to go within and find the powerful Light within self. This information is available in the texts of all your faiths. But when humans chose to lead these faiths, they expunged this information or distorted it to hold power over you. Now we are counseling you to take this power back. Even though Leia and Manalus have received this counsel frequently throughout our years of collaboration with them, it has still seemed more reasonable and easier to seek our guidance and that of the other beings of Light than to go within and pursue a deeper and more powerful connection with their own Totalities, their own Light. Most certainly, we are here to assist you and aid you in this process. But we are not the final destination; that resides within you. When Leia and Manalus recently connected to the one you now call Pope Francis and felt the power of his Light, they were quite elated. Then they had a connection with the one you call Thich Nhat Hahn and once again felt inspired and joyful at this connection. Yes, there are many beings of Light - with or without a human form -- with whom you can and will connect as you open further to your Light. But we encourage you not to be distracted by these experiences. Embrace and connect with all who carry great Light on this and the higher planes and then, go within once more and realize that you carry this same powerful Light within self. Leia is finally feeling able to embrace this awareness more easily. It is part of what is creating the healing process within her human form [referring to an easing of her physical symptoms]. An idea has come to her from her Light: She has been asked to first and foremost serve her own Light. Now, this may sound like a fairly selfish and egotistical concept to embrace. What you may wish to do before you embark upon such a program is to sit in meditation and open to a knowing of what your Light may be. Each of you is a unique being of Light in human form, so we cannot dictate to you what this would mean to you individually. But we can offer some guidance as to how you will know you have connected to your Light. The most powerful indication will be if you have entered a state of peace and calm within your heart. If it is difficult for you to find peace and calm, inquire within your heart to discover the cause of agitation. Then ask for healing from your Light and the beings of Light to release the agitation. Most frequently the agitation is caused by fear of loss. At times there is anger because of the fear. The human mind wishes to cling to control so that one will not experience loss, and this desire for control as one worries and is fearful is what most frequently blocks an experience of the true nature of reality. For you see, dear friends, there is only one way one can be in a true state of peace and calm and that is by letting go of all fears, worries, and concerns. Let go of control and surrender to this powerful Light flowing through your Being. There is only one truth to embrace: This Light that flows through you is omniscient and eternal. It has loved and cared for you always when you have allowed your conscious mind to rest and, instead, trusted your Light within. Return once more to your state of meditation until you see that you have discovered peace and calm within. Be patient and have compassion for self as you move through this process. But simply finding what creates peace and calm within your heart will be the most powerful way of serving your Light. As you create a life dedicated to peace and calm within, you will transform yourself -- and your world will transform as well. This is how one moves with ease into accepting these new powerful frequencies that are available to you now. It begins by serving your Light. For Leia, she finds that sharing our words with you brings her great peace and calm within. She is serving her Light in this manner. You will find the path that will allow you to serve your Light. Many Blessings of love and Light, El Morya Khan Publications Now Available as Books, E-Books, or Audio Books But the Buddha Didnt Raise Children, by Linda Stein-Luthke & Martin F. Luthke, Ph.D. ISBN 9780990502401, 90 pp. E-Book : US$8.99. Have you ever wondered how many of the spiritual masters and enlightened teachers have been parents? What have you learned from them about parenting? Are parenting and spiritual growth two separate paths? What can we learn from the spiritual teachings? And what can we learn from parenting? Having been a mother for over forty years, and on the path of spiritual growth for many decades, the author offers us a personal account of her insights that bridge the daily realities of parenthood and the lofty teachings of the masters. Written with levity, honesty, and depth, this book can offer parents and seekers some guidance on how to better cope with the challenges of parenting while nurturing ones spiritual growth. Balancing the Light Within, by Linda Stein-Luthke & Martin F. Luthke. Clearly and concisely written, this channeled discourse from the Ascended Master St. G ermain teaches about light vibrations, tools of awareness, chakras, and the healing of self and others with metaphysical means. Hard copy US$6.95; E-Book in the format of your choice US$3.99. One of our most popular titles is now also available as an Audio-Book in the convenient MP3 format. Balancing the Light Within, read by the author Linda Stein-Luthke, can be downloaded instantly for US$5.00. Affirmations and Thought Forms, by Linda Stein-Luthke & Martin F. Luthke. A channeled discourse from the Ascended Master St. Germain on the use of affirmations and the power of thought forms and how to use both for healing purposes with an emphasis on self-empowerment and self-awareness. Hard copy US$6.95; E-Book in the format of your choice US$3.99. Angels and Other Beings of Light, by Linda Stein-Luthke & Martin F. Luthke. A channeled discourse from the Ascended Master St. Germain on working with angels, Archangels, Ascended Masters, soul mates, Twin Flame, and other beingsof Light; who they are; what their purpose is; how to contact them; and how to experience your Higher Self. Hard copy US$8.95; E-Book in the format of your choice US$4.99. Click here for more information. PAUL NEWMAN & KARAMPAL SINGH: About Karma by Linda Stein-Luthke & Martin F. Luthke. Paul Newman and Karampal Singh speak to us from the higher planes about karma, a fundamental concept that is frequently misunderstood. They share profound insights into the laws that govern microcosms and macrocosm alike, the stars above as well as our lives on earth. In authentic and unmistakable voices, Paul Newman and Karampal Singh illustrate their teachings with fascinating references to their own past lives as well as current events. We learn about the root causes of karma, biblical events and Atlantis, and how we can now transcend our histories. Far from being a treatise about punishment or good and evil, the authors share a message of growth, freedom, and transformation, a message that is not only inspiring, profound, and accessible but fun to read. To download About Karma as an E-Book in the format you like, please click here. US$8.99. PAUL NEWMAN & KARAMPAL SINGH: Telling it Like it Is by Linda Stein-Luthke & Martin F. Luthke. This book contains channeled messages from beyond. Paul Newman and Karampal Singh discuss complex matters in a down-to-Earth manner. While each contributor speaks with a unique and distinct voice they jointly describe their experiences and insights since moving on to the higher planes. They comment on their lives and experiences during their last embodiment, current events on Earth, the process of transformation our planet is undergoing, and the awakening process that is possible for us while we are still embodied on Mother Earth. In addition, they give us a preview on what we can choose to experience once we transition to the higher planes. To download Telling it Like it Is in the format you like, please click here. E-Book, US$8.99. To order a print copy, follow this Amazon link; US$14.95 retail (only $11.66 at Amazon). AGREEMENTS: Lessons I Chose on My Journey toward the Light, by Linda Stein-Luthke. This captivating narrative tells the story of the life and adventures of a western woman with eastern experiences. Told with candor and humility, it describes the agony and ecstasy of an exceptional growth process that includes fascinating encounters with many Masters on this and the higher planes. The reader will come away inspired and encouraged to seek the personal relationship to the Light that weaves like a common thread through the authors ongoing journey toward awakening. More than an interesting autobiography, AGREEMENTS is thus a teaching tale with a universal message. Click here for more information. To download AGREEMENTS as an E-Book in the format you like, please click here; US$9.99. Navigating the Fourth Dimension, by Linda Stein-Luthke & Martin F. Luthke. A channeled discourse from the Ascended Masters St. Germain and El Morya Khan explaining why the past no longer applies and proposing new ways of thinking, being, and creating that can lead to an experience of harmony, balance, peace, and abundance in the here and now. Hard copy US$11.95; E-Book in the format of your choice US$6.99. Dispelling the Illusions of Aging and Dying, by Linda Stein-Luthke & Martin F. Luthke. A channeled discourse from the Ascended Master St. Germain about the two most basic fears that human beings possess -- the fears of aging and dying -- and how those very fears hold us in the grip of the process of aging and dying. This book explains how to set yourself free from such fears and to see them for what they are: illusions. Hard copy US$11.95; E-Book in the format of your choice US$6.99. Beyond Psychotherapy: Introduction to Psychoenergetic Healing, by Martin F. Luthke & Linda Stein-Luthke. This comprehensive introduction to Psychoenergetic Healing shows you how to work effectively to heal fear, anger, depression and other emotional issues, resolve physical pain, and heal past life trauma, relationship issues, and extended situations. Hard copy US$19.95; E-Book in the format of your choice US$9.99. Riding the Tide of Change, by Martin F. Luthke. A metaphysical book on Earth changes with an emphasis on releasing fears, healing self, and understanding our role as co-creators during this time of transformation. Hard copy US$9.95; E-Book in the format of your choice US$5.99. Ascended Masters Newsletters Volume I - V, by Linda Stein-Luthke & Martin F. Luthke. E-Book in the format of your choice US$3.99. Please visit our website for details on each volume. Our Services Please visit our website u-r-light for a description of our individualized services. Thank you! Please help us in spreading the good news. Would you kindly forward this newsletter to others who might be interested in subscribing? Thank you! This email was sent to expansion@u-r-light by expansion@u-r-light | Update Profile/Email Address | Rapid removal with SafeUnsubscribe™ | Privacy Policy.
Posted on: Sun, 04 Jan 2015 18:00:07 +0000

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