Ascension is the process that everything in existence goes through - TopicsExpress


Ascension is the process that everything in existence goes through to evolve. We filter and integrate the elements from the Earth and Cosmos, ethericly and energetically, into the body via the chakras so the body and consciousness can continue to function and heal itself to sustain a life force within this dimension on Earth. As we successively incarnate on Earth we continue to evolve in body and consciousness, just as the Earth continues to change and evolve through time. This is the process of ascension. However, periodically on Earth, the energetic nature of all elements within the Universe go through radical vibrational and frequency shifts, because of divinely orchestrated astrological events. At these times of evolution a ‘12 year transition’ occurs to create a ‘Doorway’ opportunity for the energetic consciousness of Earth itself to make a rapid shift in its own ascension process. At these times, rapid cleansing and rejuvenation occurs on the planet because of the intense energies activated within the Universe. These ‘times of transition’ are vital stages of ascension for Earth and humanity. At ‘times of transition’, large Earth and cosmic shifts or events occur because of the energetic changes occurring within the Universe to support the ascension process; they can include intense stellar gateway activity and astrological alignments through to natural catastrophes. At such times in the past, there have been rapid extinctions of animal species and the completion of civilisations because of the intense Earth and weather changes. However, on a parallel level, those surviving the Earth changes were enforced and energetically supported to ascend by making a rapid evolutionary step in their body and consciousness. We are presently experiencing a vital ‘time of transition’. From 1999-2012; we are all ascending from the third into the fifth dimension (although this may sound like something out of science fiction, what we are actually talking about is a change in our frequency and consciousness). It is through the whole ascension process that Earth systematically evolves to create the changes within the elements and matter itself so the human body can alchemically perfect and crystallise itself. So the human body is ascending into a higher state of being because of the shifts and changes the Earth creates in its own ascension process. It is through the changing elements within the Cosmos, that the Earth can evolve into higher levels of existence and as we reincarnate we are given a wonderful opportunity to experience different realities and thereby ascend each time into higher levels of consciousness and being. Therefore ascension is a state of evolution. Since the time of Atlantis specific prophets of supreme scientific and spiritual intellect, have been attempting to discuss and educate us on the many dimensions of the etheric/physical body. Some have understood how to utilise the natural technology and universal resources available to us from within the universe, to support a natural self-healing and ascension process. The ancients had an advance level understanding of the rotation of the planets and astrological events that occur within our solar system. Sacred texts were written prophesising certain times when radical Earth movements and cosmic events were to come about, because of celestial forces occurring within our universe. Cosmic events create magnetic grid shifts and electromagnetic changes within the Earth, enabling the Earth, human body and consciousness to go through rotational steps and evolve into higher levels of consciousness and reality. I believe our shift into the new world began with the ‘Grand Cross’ astrological alignment on the 11 August 1999, this was the principal turning point for our shift into the new millennium, Age of Aquarius and next dimension. I further believe that we have now left the third dimension where we have existed since the fall of Atlantis around 12,000 BC and that from 1999-2012 we will be suspended within the brief transition of the fourth dimension ‘the time of no time’. In 2013 we will enter the fifth dimension where we will exist from the next 1,000 years. The fifth dimension will allow more freedom and less restriction on all levels. I am no longer alone in my belief that we are in fact currently undergoing a transition to the fifth dimension. The spiritual community on a global scale is now also in unified agreement, while science and spirituality are uniting and providing evidence to demonstrate and measure the realities and changes of which we speak. For those who are conscious of this transition it is hard to miss the constant signs of its existence, it is indeed a most exciting time to be incarnated on Earth. There has been much discussion on the exact timing of the Earths shift into the next dimension and the Age of Aquarius. It is very interesting to look in some detail at the cycles, prophecy, astrological events and facts currently available to assist in determining at what point we have moved/will move into the new world. A procession is an Earth cycle whereby the Earth moves slowly backwards through the entire Zodiac. It takes approximately 25,000 to 26,000 years for the Earth to move back through the entire Zodiac. Our solar system takes about 2,100 years to pass through each one of the 12 signs of the Zodiac. After the 2,100 years we move out of one Age and into another. The ‘processional world Ages’ are a phenomenon that have defined the course of history and have also given rise to much speculation about the ‘new Millennium’ and the fundamental changes it will bring about for all of humanity. We are currently shifting out of the Age of Pisces into the Age of Aquarius, even though we acknowledge the complete astronomical processional cycle is known to be around 25,725 years long, the exact beginning and ending of the constellation of each Age is unclear. Therefore, the exact date for the ‘dawning’ of the Age of Aquarius has been the subject of intense speculation and debate. As previously stated there is now a growing consensus that the process of transition into the new Age has commenced. This belief has long been supported by the Mayan Calendars. The Mayan Calendars hold a vital key to the concept of ‘galactic timing’ for the evolution of consciousness. They are based on the universal mathematics of the fourth dimension and believe that once we move into fourth dimensional awareness we will enter a new path of spiritual and mental evolution in tune with the cycles of the Universe – we are now in this prophesied ‘time of no time.’ The end of their current Great Cycle and the calendar itself is 2012 which also corresponds with the change-over of the current processional cycle. The ‘Book of Revelations’ is the last testament of the Bible, and is the most mystical. It is presented by St John the Divine and predicts changes and catastrophes for the Earth around the change of Millennium during the transition to the New Golden Age and it is considered a great work of both Pagan and Christian inspiration. I personally have seen that John was actually foretelling a time of bodily transformation on a global scale, created by the energetic return and awakening of the Christbody and Consciousness onto the planet. Further, I have seen that hidden within this esoteric book is the key to understanding the energetic makeup of the body; its integration with the planet; the causes and effects on our health and the outcome for the Earth, through and after this time of transition from 1999-2012. The ‘Book of Revelations’ also contains the esoteric knowledge of an ancient form of healing and energetic technology that Christ mastered when incarnated on Earth. Similar prophecies and predictions of worldwide catastrophe have existed among the people of all continents including the Sumerians, Babylonians, Persians, Egyptians, Hebrews, Hindus, Scandinavians, Greeks, native North and South Americans, Eskimos and the Fiji Islanders. The Hopi Indians for example, believe that at the time of the New Millennium the world will pass into the ‘Fifth World’ of the Native Americans. Nostradamus - the 16th Century French Astrologer and more recently, Edgar Cayce - the 20th Century American seer, known as the ‘Sleeping Prophet,’ also foresaw and prophesied that the Earth’s polar axis would ‘turn in the winter of 1998’. In chapter 4 of ‘Beyond Doorways’ I refer in detail to the prophesised crystal, Earth, cosmic and interdimensional changes and events occurring between 1999-2012 within our planet, body, consciousness and reality which signify the beginning of the fourth dimension. Below the astrological chart is a summary of the key astrological events supporting our transition and the way in which they are impacting us.
Posted on: Mon, 10 Mar 2014 05:33:48 +0000

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