Ash and I had a mom daughter day!! She escorted me to my doctor - TopicsExpress


Ash and I had a mom daughter day!! She escorted me to my doctor apt, then off be bopping around, then off to her grandmas and grandpas we went!!:) She drove perfect today:) Ashlyn Bouchard, I am so proud of you and how much you matured these last 8 months, I wouldnt made it this far if I didnt have you here helping me and pushing me!!! Like the doctor said you are a very strong beautiful 15 year and she was very proud of you and she thanked you for being so strong, especially with what you had to watch me go threw!!! And the doctors right ash you did so much to make me fight even harder!! Theres not even enough words to tell you how Im so proud of you, and every day I get better I look at you and just smile:) like the doctor said hun you saved my life and you never gave up on me, even though you saw and watched me go threw things I couldnt even imagine if other children have done the same thing for thier patents!!!! I love you sooo much hun and I will be thankful for all of it for the test of my life:) And I also had other support in the start of my health issues, so now that I just did another step in a month that it normally takes months for other patients to even come close to what I have!!! And I shocked her and she couldnt believe it and shes proud of me to!!! Needless to say even though Ive been up for over 48 hours, I was letting my sleepiness wreck this day!! Ash got more drive time and praised and explained to ash that by her staying by my side and pushing me she couldnt be more proud of ash!! And the fact that the doctor took the time to explain to ash exactly why she should be a very proud girl and took the time to acknowledge how big of a part ash had to push me to do what needed to be done so we can spend lots of time together!!! Now that Im done blabbing I want to give a big thanks to the ones that never gave up on me even though I was a stubborn non co-operative and just had enough and wanted to tell all my specialist to go f--ked them selfs I gave up!!! Mom ( Debbie Spain) I have always been a pain in your ass And no matter how bad I got just to pass you off you loved me so much more to never give up on me!!! And what you did by NEVER giving up on no matter what I threatened I was gunna do, by you doing that you made me a better parent, things do happen for reasons!! And thier are 2 beautiful young ladys that wAs me watching my self threw her behavior!!! I have never nor will I ever give up on my girls, God only gives us no more than we can Handel, you hot me ready to pass it on the girls, and I past that to the girls, so who wouldve ever thought God had that plain and it started with you:) so thank you love you!! I have to say I couldnt have been blessed with a fiancee that also never walked away and he got me threw so much and as he was keeping me calm as at the same time he was stressed and NEVER once gave me any hint that he was stressing for the both of us and kept his emotions and feeling a side till I got a bit better! Adam Bowe, Im so blessed to have you in mine and ashlyns life! You are the first true male that showed ash and I what a loving strong family is, you came at the right time ash and I needed every thing you are, and what made me fall in love with you as fast as I did is you just didnt say things to get a date or fake who you really are you dont find that very often! The second thing is you have proved that even though ash is not biologically yours by blood, You never made her feel like she wasnt you have done so much to show her what a father is and she looks at you like a father and you to shits get along way to much at times and have rip on moms night!!:) now the 3rd most important thing is from day one you knew what Santana Kettner ment to me and you know the girls come first you excepted her with open arms and have never treated her different and you love her as well!! Adam what you have all took on these past 4 yrs is stressful and not all men are like you thats what makes you so important to all of us and you keep us together!! Thank you so much for never giving up as well I love you so much!!:) now to the forth my sister Janet Reimer, theres no way I couldve done this with out you ether!! Same thing you also never gave up on me and when I was lost and drowning with doctor apts every week you always made me work and you are a very busy lady I have no idea how you have held it all together as many years as you have, you also never let me down and you kept me on top of things just like mom did!! When I needed a friend, sister and someone as neutral as you are you dont judge and you dont let anyone manipulate you our your feelings, I so really needed that and thank you so much for being by my side!!! Not only did help me threw health problems you also brought back my positivity and how I looked at things again!!! I just didnt reestablish our sister family relationship, I also. Learned more about you and gained a friendship as well I enjoyed all the talks laughs and how close we got, thank you love you lots!!:) I am sorry if this is extremely long but I had a great day positive feed back and all of you that played a big part of my health and stayed on my butt and kept me together!! I just needed to let you all know how thankful I am and I did what patients take years to accomplish in 2 months!!!! I love you all especially putting up with my sunburn ass!! Thank you all again and ash I hope you felt good when the doctor said all that to hurt today? She ment every word and Adam and I are so proud of you with everything you have accomplished and got threw!!! Love you goodnight all!!!:)
Posted on: Sat, 26 Jul 2014 08:19:22 +0000

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