Ashamedly, I admit I detested Dr. King when I was a young Texan. - TopicsExpress


Ashamedly, I admit I detested Dr. King when I was a young Texan. Looking back now, I realize that I had been drinking the Republican Kool Aid. Propaganda, applied with a heavy dose of peer pressure, wraps one deeply in the grasp of ignorance and bigotry. Then I left that small East Texas town and went to the university and heard the words of others whose views clashed with mine. My world turned upside down. My business major was inadequate. I sought solace in Philosophy and delved into culture and ethics. It was only then that I became a thinking man because I had sought counsel from those more learned than I. The revelations were forthcoming like a Geyser of Truth. And this man whom I detested became a personal hero. His words are powerful. They are filled with undeniable truth. His brilliance is magical and transformative. His thoughts have withstood the test of time. His quote in this poster is a prime example. Dr. King challenges us to replace selfishness with altruism. To care for one another instead of just ourselves. That is powerful! This is the basic problem that plagues our planet today: economic inequality and social injustice. Can you not just feel the magic in his eyes as he delivers this powerful message! He bravely speaks the truth knowing well that many people cannot take the truth. They know that embracing the truth will end their control of the masses and their grip on the nations finances. Dr. King rose to the challenge. Its one thing to understand this message. Its quite another to stand with Dr. King and march for freedom and justice for all. On this day when part of our nation salutes the life of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., and others, like a young Tracy Knauss, detest the mans blackness, let us remember the man who spoke a rainbow of truth and sacrificed his life to the violent hand of prejudice so we could stand and be counted on the right side of history. The side that accepts diversity as a strength, not a weakness. The side that will not tolerate anything less than equal opportunity for all Americans as promised in our Constitution and as dreamed by Dr. King. Take a minute, if you will, and look into the face of Dr. King. This is the look of a noble person speaking the Truth to people who need hope to overcome the bondage imposed by the ascendant moneyed class. We can overcome. We SHALL overcome. This hope and courage come from the realization that Dr. King was right. We deserve a better distribution of Americas resources. And we will never stop until we achieve Americas promise. Thank you Dr. King for the truth that inspires us to continue your struggle until our children live your dream. -Tracy Knauss
Posted on: Sun, 19 Jan 2014 20:41:36 +0000

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