Ashlee called me earlier. She has been ready to come home for a - TopicsExpress


Ashlee called me earlier. She has been ready to come home for a week, but right now she is not ready to come home. She has realized how much she loves it there, and what an amazing experience she has had. She was talking 90 mph, trying to get all her info to tell me out as fast as she could. She said she used her walking tracker app on her phone and they have walked over 400 miles so far. They went on an excursion of Rome today and walked from one end of Rome to the other, and it took about 4 hours. They visited the Christian Catacombs, which is an underground tunnel that goes for miles. Hundreds of thousands of people are buried there. They ate at the Hard Rock Cafe Rome, and Ashlee was so glad to have a cheeseburger that remotely tasted like red meat. She requested our first stop after the airport tomorrow is Taco Bell. She said she has seen the Mafia twice, and that was the most exciting part of the trip. One time, there was a small group of men and she went over and walked right through them so that she can say that she has now walked through the Mafia. They have to be at the airport at 5 AM their time (so, about 9 PM our time) and the plane will leave a few hours after that. She will fly from Rome straight to Atlanta, then have a layover and come straight to OKC. There is a lot to tell, and I hope she will share some thoughts from her journal when she gets home. She wont be home until Friday, because she has Oklahoma FFA Alumni Leadership Camp. It starts tomorrow, but since she will be flying back she will miss the first day. I will take her to Wagoner, OK from OKC on Thursday. Next week will probably be a lot of eating grease, lard, and napping for her.
Posted on: Tue, 08 Jul 2014 20:43:17 +0000

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