Ashley’s Notes A Special Called Meeting was brought to order - TopicsExpress


Ashley’s Notes A Special Called Meeting was brought to order on January 29, 2014 at 9:06 a.m. County Clerk Olga Lydia Reyes called the roll, all members were present, and the Pledge of Allegiance was recited. Dr. Todd led the audience in a prayer. The Interlocal Agreement between Edwards County and Sutton County Hospital District (SCHD) was brought up first. There were still concerns about indemnifying the County and the cost of updates to renovate the Nutrition Center into a clinic. The updates on the Nutrition Center should not cost more than the money (about $52,000) that is in the Hazzard and Evans Fund. Judge Shanklin noted he had talked to the persons who designated the funds and they were OK with the County spending the money on a health clinic. County Attorney Allen Ray Moody stated the contract has been amended, it’s not perfect still, but it’s acceptable to his standards. The County is as good as it can be as far as indemnification is concerned according to Moody. Dr. Todd is pleased with the agreement as well. Commissioner Sweeten motioned to enter into the agreement with SCHD. Commissioner Grooms seconded the motion. Commissioner Sweeten then amended his motion to include the remodeling costs to not exceed the amount in the Hazzard and Evans Fund. Commissioner Grooms seconded this motion as well. Commissioner Epperson abstained from the vote stating the deal was rushed. The judge interrupted to inform the audience that the Homeland Security money for Edwards County now comes through with Sutton County. A map was presented to show the proposed designated zone for the TxDOT County Transportation Infrastructure Fund Grant Program (also known as the CERTZ grant). A public hearing was held 30 days prior, which is mandatory before the zone can be approved. At the previous meeting the Court decided to push County Road 450 as priority number one. Approval of the advisory board members will be at the next Regular Commissioners’ Court meeting. Commissioner Fry motioned to approve the CERTZ order and Commissioner Sweeten seconded the motion. The County Tax Assessor/Collector received a check for $78,949.60 from DCP and the pipeline that ran through the County last year. Half of the money was received now and the other half the County will see next year. Commissioner Sweeten motioned to place the 78 thousand plus into the Courthouse Restoration Fund and Commissioner Epperson seconded the motion. The County would have to do a transfer later anyways if this was not approved and this is money the County had not included in this year’s budget revenues. Commissioner Sweeten motioned to approve the Hazard Mitigation Plan as approved by Emergency Management Coordinator Alex Dula. The motion was seconded the Commissioner Fry. The Stonegarden grant was up for a renewal for the Sheriff’s office (S.O.). This year the S.O. asked for a K-9 equipped vehicle. Kinney County paid $25,000 towards Edwards County’s COPSync, which leaves about $53,000. The County has received pan tilt cameras and radios for the vehicles. All in all, the County received about $80,000 worth of equipment. Judge Shanklin motioned to approve the Resolution in Support of FY 2012 Operation Stonegarden DHS-12-GPD-067-000-02 grant. Commissioner Sweeten seconded the motion. Going back to agenda item c, County Attorney Allen Ray Moody thought this plat had been done a while ago, although it was apparently temporary lost. No fees have been paid on this re-plat, but Commissioner Fry motioned to approve the re-plat of Mailtrail Valley Ranch Tracts 19, 48, 30-33, 35-36. Commissioner Grooms seconded the motion. Under New Business, The Sheriff and Judge attended the Criminal Justice Division Grant Workshop in San Angelo and received two radios through the Concho Valley COG. One will be for Constable Maxwell’s new vehicle. These radios came at no cost to the County except for maybe the installation. Commissioner Sweeten motioned to adjourn the meeting and Commissioner Fry seconded the motion. The meeting was adjourned at 9:35 a.m.
Posted on: Thu, 06 Feb 2014 14:40:52 +0000

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