Ashtar Breaking News -Flight370 Revisted -This from the AP - TopicsExpress


Ashtar Breaking News -Flight370 Revisted -This from the AP News-The hunt for Malaysia Airlines 370 was on hold for four months so crews could map the seabed in the Indian Ocean search zone.Seventh arc may hold the answer. THE SEARCH AREA The search zone is about 1,800 kilometers (1,100 miles) off Australias west coast. This 60,000-square kilometer (23,000-square mile) area lies along what is known as the seventh arc - a stretch of ocean where investigators believe the aircraft ran out of fuel and crashed, based largely on an analysis of transmissions between the plane and a satellite. The water ranges from 600 meters (2,000 feet) to 6.5 kilometers (4 miles) deep - the equivalent of three-quarters of the height of Mount Everest. The average depth is 4 kilometers (2.5 miles). The terrain is mountainous, with ridges and volcanoes jutting out of the seabed and deep crevasses providing sharp, sudden drop-offs. Those in power will not give up creating an answer for what happened to Malaysia Flight 370 and all the passengers on board.I will tell you the cosmic truth that some will deny. On March 8th 2014 1:19 a.m.: Last communication from co-pilot Fariq Hamid to air traffic controllers in Malaysia, as the plane flies toward Vietnam, across the Gulf of Thailand. Hamid reportedly said, All right, good night. 1:21 a.m.: The Boeing 777-2H6ERs radar transponder is turned off. 2:15 a.m.: The Malaysian military detects an unidentified object (UFO) on its radar traveling west. This information becomes public roughly a week later, and the radar target is thought to be Flight 370. The plane then disappears from military radar about 200 miles (322 kilometers) off the coast of Malaysian state of Penang. The last part of this information is extremely important because on the Tracking Radar before Flight 370 went off Radar there were at least 2 or 3 UFOs Unknown see on Radar and one turning into a Icon looking like a Jet at one point. After the Flight is gone another UFO is sighted on Radar as stated 2:15 AM . The truth is the Spaceship and Crews involved were Men and Women from other Spiritual Planetary Worlds of Peace. The people on board Flight 370 all represented various nations of the world People from 14 nations were on board; most of the passengers — 153 — were Chinese citizens; all of the crewmembers were Malaysian. Three Americans were on the flight. Other passengers were from Australia (6), Canada (2), France (4), Hong Kong (1), India (5), Indonesia (7), Iran (2), the Netherlands (1), Russia (1), Taiwan (1) and Ukraine (2).. The Flight was taken through a Portal or Worm Hole that is used by Galactic Ships from other Worlds that allow them to travel from one sector of the Universe to another . Look at it as a Cosmic Highway for your Star Family. So now again I must respond to the what is going to happen and how they plan on making this work i.e the Governments involved. This will be the last effort to come to a closure on the subject and they will have plenty of time to use another Flight 370 Jetliner if needed to be found and say this is it we found the Flight. The problem with that is Flight 370 Brothers and Sisters went off the Coast of Malaysia and was escorted by Galactic Ships through a Cosmic Portal into another Dimension. All I get is they were selected for a Divine Purpose and thats all I have known since this event happened. So you understand why I have this understanding the orginal Radar Tracking recorded by Dahboo777 whom I interviewed many months ago when this happened . Had and still has the video of what really happened. I will share this link with you now and you will see that where they are going to look is meaningless . Because Flight 370 never crashed . Here is the original Tracking taken by Flight Trader which is a sight tracking flights all over the world. Watch carefully what happened the Golden Icon that turns into a Jet Icon is a Spaceship not a Jet. The major News outlets have never shown this on World News and for good reason because its the Cosmic Truth of what happened. If this was show to over 7 billion people. Governments would have to explain this away and they cannot. My background is Journalism and Media . So when you look at the recorded Radar footage from Flight Trader you now know the Cosmic Truth. Do not buy whatever the major networks will tell you as they go agin looking for Flight 370 it will be a Cover Up not the truth that I have shared here. Blessings In The Light of The Most Radiant One Always, CmdrAleon ashtargalacticcommanders.ning/
Posted on: Mon, 06 Oct 2014 12:47:27 +0000

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