Ashtavakra Gita Translated by Bart Marshall - TopicsExpress


Ashtavakra Gita Translated by Bart Marshall ******************************* 1: Instruction on Self-Realization Janaka asked : Master, how is Knowledge to be achieved, detachment acquired, liberation attained? Ashtavakra answered: To be free,shun the experiences of the senses like poison. Turn your attention to forgiveness, sincerity, kindness, simplicity, truth. *** You are not earth, water, fire or air. Nor are you empty space. Liberation is to know yourself as Awareness alone the Witness of these. *** Abide in Awareness with no illusion of person. You will be instantly free and at peace. *** You have no caste or duties.You are invisible, unattached, formless. You are the Witness of all things. Be happy. *** Right and wrong, pleasure and pain, exist in mind only. They are not your concern. You neither do nor enjoy. You are free. *** You are the Solitary Witness of All That Is, forever free. Your only bondage is not seeing This. *** The thought: “I am the doer” is the bite of a poisonous snake. To know: “I do nothing” is the wisdom of faith. Be happy. *** A single understanding: “I am the One Awareness,” consumes all suffering in the fire of an instant. Be happy. *** You are unbounded Awareness Bliss, Supreme Bliss in which the universe appears like the mirage of a snake in a rope. Be happy. *** It is true what they say: “You are what you think.” If you think you are bound you are bound. If you think you are free you are free. *** You are Self—the Solitary Witness. You are perfect, all-pervading, One. You are free, desire-less, forever still. The universe is but a seeming in You. *** Meditate on this: “I am Awareness alone--Unity itself.” Give up the idea that you are separate, a person, that there is within and without. *** You have long been bound thinking: “I am a person.” Let the knowledge: “I am Awareness alone” be the sword that frees you. *** You are now and forever free, luminous, transparent, still. The practice of meditation keeps one in bondage. *** You are pure Consciousness the substance of the universe. The universe exists within you. Don’t be small-minded. *** You are unconditioned, changeless, formless. You are solid, unfathomable, cool. Desire nothing. You are Consciousness. *** That which has form is not real. Only the formless is permanent. Once this is known, you will not return to illusion. *** Just as a mirror exists both within and without the image reflected, the Supreme Self exists both within and without the body. *** Just as the same space exists both within and without a jar, the timeless, all-pervasive One exists as Totality.
Posted on: Mon, 23 Sep 2013 04:12:18 +0000

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