Aside from a particular issue were having with a particular - TopicsExpress


Aside from a particular issue were having with a particular person, the past few days have been absolutely amazing! From celebrating Donalds 34th birthday with great friends, to dressing up our precious little beauty queen as a precious little beautiful fairy and trick or treating together, to admiring Gods breath taking creation, the beauty of change and the colorful turning of the leaves, to visiting the mountain, sharing the experience of standing at the highest point in Alabama with Tori, and having the opportunity to properly express our gratitude for the car being given to us...The list goes on and on. I just want to take a time out to glorify God. Listen, as your heart turns away from sin, you begin to see just how blessed you really are. So many things each and every one of us take for I am so thankful that our family was delivered from the evil road we were treading. I am so thankful that Jesus paid the price for our short comings, simply out of love. Agape. I am so thankful that even through our own foolishness, our own selfishness, our own greedy desires, and even through Satans attack on us as individuals as well as his attacks on us as one unit, one family...even through all these things, God has blessed us with each other; God has blessed us with such an obedient, respectful, polite, beautiful, intelligent, and healthy daughter; God has blessed us with food, shelter, clean water to drink and bathe, clothes, transportation, but most of all...LOVE. Im aware that this post among others probably sounds all sappy, but simply saying thank you to our family and friends who have always been there just doesnt express adequately the gratitude in my heart. Donald, thank you for being my voice of logic and reason when I flip my lid and get all emotionally crazy. Thank you for being the finder of all my lost items such as my glasses, key, lighters, purse, etc. Thank you for calming me down when Im upset, for holding me close when I have nightmares. Thank you for trying to help with my Dad. Thank you, for all the little things you do throughout the day. I love you
Posted on: Sun, 02 Nov 2014 17:13:52 +0000

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