Ask someone today if they know what governing document the Unites - TopicsExpress


Ask someone today if they know what governing document the Unites States existed under before the U.S. Constitution was ratified by nine of the 13 States. Granted we are not under these first two documents or the latter by law today, The Declaration of Independence, The Articles of Confederation, but they are part of the process which ended in the United States Constitution, with the Confederate States Constitution being constructed ever so slightly different to better limit the government created by it. However, THE PRINCIPLES WITHIN ANY OF THOSE FOUR DOCUMENTS HAVE NEVER BEEN REPEALED. Does anyone find it odd that when we look at little pamphlets and even some printed books, the Articles of Confederation and the Confederate States Constitution are conveniently omitted? If no one reads past the first paragraph and a half of the Declaration of Independence and then omits the Articles of Confederation and jump into the Preamble of the United States Constitution, and then onto the first few Bill of Rights, you get your national consolidating premise. If that is so, how do you deal with the last paragraph of the D. of I.?; even the Treaty of Paris in Article one states the same; Free and Independent States! It is my opinion, though not fact or maybe even truth, that this kind of printing is done on purpose to lead The People to a conclusion of nationalism, instead of confederation or the union of many, different, free and independent political societies or States (read Vattel; The Law of Nations), confederated under a federal and republican system. The principle and definition of a political society as a State, is also defined as a Nation or Country. Nationalism is the packing of everyone into the box of sardines (multiculturalism) and making them get along by national or supreme laws that subvert State law and emanate from a single national government; and it is much easier to tax and build empires; national splendor; national good; empire around the world. The beauty of our original principle of a concurrent people has been, I think, forever lost at the altar of nationalism and democracy (a legislating nation; the people), though we will still dress it as representative government. The above stated principles and definitions have never changed throughout the course of our documents; but, have been subverted and suppressed by construction, war on their own people, national banking, taxes, a national pledge, mass schooling, media, ............
Posted on: Sun, 24 Aug 2014 16:12:10 +0000

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