Asking God to heal you is to call God a liar. 1 Peter 2:24 - TopicsExpress


Asking God to heal you is to call God a liar. 1 Peter 2:24 “Jesus, who his own self bare our sins in his own body on the tree, that we, being dead to sins, should zao/live unto righteousness (just like Jesus as He is now): by whose stripes ye were iaomai/healed (cured, made whole, made like heaven on earth).” This is God’s decree of the redemption facts of the bloodof Jesus in heaven. Your job is to bring it to earth knowing it is already done. Rom 4:24 tells us Jesus could not have been raised until mankind was justified. This means healed spirit, soul and body, heart, mind, will and emotions to just like Jesus is right now. That means you were healed, made right, when Jesus was raised from the dead. That resurrection was your healing. If you were not healed in Jesus, then Jesus would still be in hell. The issue is not are if you (or they) are healed, but getting the devil out of the situation so that healing can manifest. God’s word is settled in heaven and your job is to settle it in the earth. By the stripes of Jesus you have already been healed. “Thank You, Father, this is already done.” Now you get that devil out of there. You have been given Jesus’ authority to use the name of Jesus to cast out that devil and demand that body walk in healing. Since God has given the body of Christ the command to tread on all the works of the devil, all that is missing is your “treading.” This means one step or many steps until you crush and destroy this work of the enemy using the name of Jesus along with the faith actions. God has already decreed your healing. You do not need any other word from God by text or prophet, it is in 1 Peter 2:24 for all time. Now you exercise the dominion of Jesus to enforce the triumph of Jesus in the authority of Jesus and command that defeated lying rebel to get off so this healing can manifest. Your job is to get that devil, or those devils off by telling the sick person to be or do what they could not do before. Or simply, “Be healed in the name of Jesus.” You do this knowing you are commanding the devil to hear and obey you and go, the body to be made whole, the mind to be made right and the life of God to set them free. You can say all this in a prayer or simply command, “Be healed,” or “Fire of God” as David Hogan does. It is what you understand when you command that healing to be, to manifest. Therefore a typical full command can go something like this: “Father, I thank You by the stripes and resurrection of Jesus this is already done. You have decreed it and I am enforcing it on the devil and this flesh right now, in the name of Jesus. So, in the name of Jesus, devil, I command your power to be broken, I cut you off and I command you to hear and obey the voicing of the word of God through me. I command you and all your works in this situation to go, NOW, in the name of Jesus! Body, be whole; mind, be right, life of God, heal and make whole, in the name of Jesus, NOW! Thank You, Father, this is Your will and Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven, NOW, in the name of Jesus! Thank You! Or you can include all this in your intention by saying to the person, “Walk, NOW, in the name of Jesus.” Or say whatever fits. If you do not see full response in 3-5 minutes while spend time in other faith actions, keep repeating until you either pass out or they get healed. If it takes longer, go pray in tongues for 15 minutes and go at it again. If it is only you, you may need to pray 3-6 hours in loud, hard and fast tongues, and then go at it again. You stay in the fight till you win. This is how you resist the devil until he flees. This is aiteo praying without ceasing. This is knowing no labor in the Lord is in vain and therefore keep laboring to enter the rest of God. This is doing the will of God and giving thanks continually. You can beg and intercede and anything else, but do not ask God to do what He has already done. We are healed by the stripes of Jesus. This is past tense; it is aready done and has no right to remain. So you are not to be begging for healing, but you are a) getting up and moving as if already healed, or b) commanding in aiteo until it is fully manifest. This is the type of prayer where you may ask God to do it as in Acts 4:29-30, then for him to do it through you, and then you go and do it. This is the kind of prayer King David prayed, “Lord, destroy these enemies, do it through me and my men. Now men, sharpen your swords and lets go.” Then you attack in and with the name of the Lord. Today, in Jesus, your sword is the word of God already decreed and the name of Jesus. Now use them. Now quit blaming God or anyone or anything else and get busy. Any questions?
Posted on: Sun, 08 Jun 2014 06:25:00 +0000

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