Aspects of Multi-dimensional Self by Gary Bate If we don’t - TopicsExpress


Aspects of Multi-dimensional Self by Gary Bate If we don’t know the way out then we are trapped until we do. Explanation is important because understanding is imperative to personal evolution. Question – is the caterpillar a different self to the butterfly or is it a different aspect of the same self? The butterfly is born from the dream of the caterpillar; it is the finer aspect of the caterpillar. Although both are very different expressions of life, they share the same self. The caterpillar’s evolution is certain in so far as it is on auto-program to become greater than its original self. This transmutation amounts to internal change and it is probably nature’s greatest mirror for our own evolution. We are like a block of flats; the mindset and occupancy on the different floors is very different but it’s still one block – one self. Our lives reflect what floor we are on and although we are the whole block, we are only complete when we occupy the penthouse. We rise or fall by our own choices, unlike the caterpillar who gets in the lift on the ground floor and presses the button to the penthouse suite. Our lower self is as different to our higher self as the caterpillar is to the butterfly, and just like the butterfly, our higher self can only emerge from our lower self. So whether one talks of lower/higher, shallow/deep, phantom/true; there is only one self and the latter emerges from the former if evolution is occurring. Death is the result of stagnant evolution; an entity atrophies when not changing. In theory if one is constantly changing/advancing there is no death. There are clearly 2 paths a so-called human being can take: 1. The default path, which is an unconscious emotional agreement with mind control that is coming from the elite. It is the path of the non-evolving human being. 2. The conscious path to evolve oneself, bringing forth from within the finer aspects of multi-dimensional self. A gradual yet radical change of expression. Mind is all of it that has been made known (collectively) and one’s individual mind houses one’s self-realization as a work in progress on the way up to the penthouse. The dream of the elite is to synthetically change the DNA so they can further their anti-Christ (control) agenda and they are busily implementing that through the air we breathe and the food we ingest. Their vision of evolution is one that cements them permanently in the positions of control, bestowing upon themselves extraordinary powers to control and upon human cyborgs extraordinary abilities to serve them. The way out is through consciousness, the sleepy human waking up to choose path 2. This is embarking upon a journey of self-love, which is non-compliance with all aspects of control. Unconditional love is the opposite of control and so to be this finer aspect of self one has to purge the lower aspects of control. If we had not descended into the lower realms of consciousness and were able to hold the heart centre energy, we would not be experiencing a crippled world like this; man and woman would meet in love and righteous copulation would occur to propagate the higher consciousness: this is beautiful evolution. But we fell to the bottom of the ladder and the climb back is a series of carefully chosen conscious choices – not easy. We must understand that we a short-changed by a wisdom that says “well if you don’t do this you’re going to die”; that is just not sufficient and is not motivational. The wisdom we are looking for is far more palatable than this. Here it is: Just as the expression of the Caterpillar differs greatly from the expression of the butterfly, so is the difference between the human condition and the so-called higher self. They are very different creatures and theres a scientific reason why. The overwhelming consciousness of the human drama is carried on frequencies of energy that are polarised: 1. Male/female, good/bad, right/wrong, positive/negative etc 2. Emotions 3. Aspects of Control. Whereas, the consciousness of the deeper, finer self is carried on energies that are not polarised – very different indeed: 1. Unconditional Love 2. The living of personal truth without compromise or duality 3. Magic The energies of the 2 different expressions are not only different; they are opposites! This is why one cannot be an emotional human being and know unconditional love and one cannot be a social villager and be an enlightened being at the same time. Unconditional love is not an intellectual understanding; it is an experiential realisation. This also applies to the ONENESS that so many speak about. To be the butterfly (the higher expression) the organism sacrifices the caterpillar (the lower expression). In the same way, we cannot cross the bridge carrying any baggage. We either blindly follow our genetic destiny or we consciously evolve ourselves beyond it. Its time to stop kidding ourselves, to stop living in denial and to stop justifying the lower aspects of our personalities. We have a choice as to whether we take a wing out of the caterpillars book or continue to seek solace with other ignorant human beings. amazon/We-are-here-know-ourselves/dp/0954528077/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1380925824&sr=8-1&keywords=we+are+here+to+know+ourselves
Posted on: Thu, 31 Oct 2013 12:03:16 +0000

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