Assalaamu Alaikum warrior souls, a fter George Galloways (UK - TopicsExpress


Assalaamu Alaikum warrior souls, a fter George Galloways (UK MP)s latest address to parliament about palestine...i see why Hisbullah are adamant death to uk.. from my readings the one detail left out was exactly what the Balfour Declaration meant for Palestine. Watch as he reminds UK that they started this by promising the jews what belonged to the palestinians. Promised Lands they keep saying, who made Arthur Balfour God?! . ..... History Recap: BALFOUR DECLARATION The Arab revolt, led by Husayn’s son Faysal and T. E. Lawrence (“Lawrence of Arabia”), was successful in defeating the Ottomans, and Britain took control over much of this area during World War I.But Britain made other promises during the war that conflicted with the Husayn-McMahon understandings. In 1917, the British foreign minister, Lord Arthur Balfour, issued a declaration (the Balfour Declaration) announcing his government’s support for the establishment of “a Jewish national home in Palestine.” A third promise, in the form of the Sykes-Picot Agreement, was a secret deal between Britain and France to carve up the Arab provinces of the Ottoman Empire and divide control of the region.
Posted on: Sat, 26 Jul 2014 18:24:46 +0000

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