Assalaamu alaykum warahmatulahi wabarakatu. Alhamdulillah thumma - TopicsExpress


Assalaamu alaykum warahmatulahi wabarakatu. Alhamdulillah thumma alhamdulillah. All praise n thanks is due to our Rabb. Im recooperating well along wth the twins. Allah swt is great Allahu akbar. He puts us through various tests. Nt to punish us bt to c hw strong is our emaan. Indeed my test ws me n my two babies yaa Allah. Bt we all got through it through sabr,strength n believe. Nt forgetting my wonderful fb families duaa. Sometimes i ask myself n Allah swt hw i ended up meeting all ths beautiful i call my fb fam. Bt Allah in return says to me be who u have always been. N bcoz of tht u will hav the world of best friends who u cn call ur fam alhamdulillah. Im crying Yaa Allah bcoz im happy to no my family ws looking out fr me alhamdulillah. My family hd made duaa fr me alhamdulillah. May Allah swt bless u all wth abundance of love, the same way He had granted me subhanallah. U will never no hw much each n everyone of u mean to me. U will probably never understand hw is it possible to hav such an amazing connection. Ys thts wht i hav wth each n everyone of u frm wherever u r. I love u all sooo much n sometimes even more than my own biological fam. Pls continue wth the duaa n nt jst fr me n my babies bt fr all those all over the world inshaa,allah. Duaa is indeed so very powerful n Allah swt accepts. All we have to do is show our patience. Fr Allah loves those who show asabireen coz thn Allah swt reciprocates in abundance alhamdulillah. Stay blessed all of u. Love u all fr the sake of Allah swt. Have a super fantastic day all :D.
Posted on: Tue, 18 Mar 2014 05:52:23 +0000

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