Assalamoalaikum Ikhwaan and Akhaawaat (Brothers & - TopicsExpress


Assalamoalaikum Ikhwaan and Akhaawaat (Brothers & Sisters)! Today due to lack of Public Dawah and Street Preaching we are missing out many Brothers & Sisters from coming back to original Deen of Allah and Prophet Muhammad (s). We have a beautiful opportunity of inviting our Brothers and Sisters to Ibadat of Allah and Ataaat of Prophet Muhammad (s) in this football season. As Allah created Man for Allahs worship, Allahs zikr, shukr, khawf, Rija (Hope) and to seek forgiveness and Tawba and not to waste our lives in seeking pleasures of this Duniya and its delusional offerings to deviate Children of Adam (a). Give Dawah for the sake of Allah and His Pleasure and save our brothers in falling into traps of Shaytaan by wasting our times in useless activities and advice them with humility and beauty to invest our time in Scoring the Goal of Jannah. P.S. We are planning a Street Dawah team for giving Dawah and Islamic Literature to Youngsters and Elders at different spots in Karachi. If you want to join us in the Khair of spreading Good drop your information in our inbox or comment us with your contact or visit our venue. If you are willing to arrange Lectures of Munadis and Duaats of AL MUNADI for youngsters or any age group at any venue, we would be delighted to serve the Ummah of Prophet Muhammad (s). You are the best nation produced [as an example] for mankind. You Command what is right and Forbid what is wrong and believe in Allah (Surah Ali Imraan:Verse110)
Posted on: Mon, 16 Jun 2014 08:47:27 +0000

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