Assalamu 3alaykom brothers & sisters, :D We all know that people - TopicsExpress


Assalamu 3alaykom brothers & sisters, :D We all know that people in the medical field should be mature in the first place! But sometimes we hear words from our teachers & doctors during lectures that we arent mature, arent we? So, maturity... how could you describe it? Maybe it is being able to resist some small whims or need for immediate reward and better choose the actions that will pay off some time later. Maturity is also a well-measured persistence, knowing your true goals and seeking them inspite of obstacles on your way. It is the ability to use your skills and knowledge and do more that is expected. And also it is having a sense what is worth fighting and what is not. Mature person is able to control his anger during conflicts or other unpleasant situations. He solves the occurring problems with constructive approach instead of complaining. He knows that he cannot control everything, thus sometimes you just need some thing to let go. Maturity is also humility, when person is able to admit his mistakes, forget his pride and at the same time preserve his dignity. It is the ability to laugh at yourself. Mature person is responsible and reliable, his words always go along with his actions. He keeps his word, so people know that they can count on him. Maturity is also ability to be flexible and being aware that learning and self-improvement are necessary along your way. Maturity is being in permanent harmony with everything. It means building harmonious relationship with yourself, with other people, with nature. Maturity means living in the moment, appreciation of simple things, being mindful of everything, allowing yourself to feel gratitude of what you do have now, rather than to be looking back or forward. Maturity is not competing, but sharing. Dear student, youre mature enough, and youre for sure gonna change your community, gonna change your country & gonna change the world! Just, BELIEVE in yourself, cos youre unique! :)
Posted on: Thu, 14 Aug 2014 21:36:31 +0000

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