Assalamu Alaikum, I am originally from Poland, which is a Catholic - TopicsExpress


Assalamu Alaikum, I am originally from Poland, which is a Catholic country with a small percentage of other religions. I have been brought up as a catholic in strongly believing family. As a child, I always went to church. When I came to my teen years I stopped believing in god. I was a wild child. Looking back, I know I have lost a purpose. I stopped having an interest in education and aiming high. When I went to college for a first year I didnt focus on anything else rather than a good time. In my second year of college, I started to become friends with Muslims from different origins. Some of them were practicing and some of them were not. As a non-believer, I found it interesting to talk about religion and trying to prove my friends wrong, even though sometimes it was really hard. Somehow I became very interested in this exotic religion. Through further investigations I realized Islam is not much different that Christianity. There were few little different things which I still didnt tend to understand fully, however, it helped me to talk with Muslim friends about it. They always were very welcoming into clearing these things out for me. When I turned 18 I was in town, walking with my family and there were Brothers give out an English translation of Quran. I wasnt going to stop, however, I decided to turn around and leave my family behind. I was talking to these brothers and I felt very much at peace. I told them that I have been researching, but I am not sure if I am ready to accept a religion. Than the Brother has said something to me that I will never forget. He said to me If not now sister, there might be no later. I that time took my Shahadah and became a Muslim. I felt like I never felt before. After 2 weeks of accepting Islam I became what I called hide and seek Hijabi. As soon as I left the house I would cover and as soon as I was near my house I would uncover. Alhamdulillah, I have gained courage and after one year of hiding I revealed my secret to my family. They were not alright with it at first, however, they give me less hard time now. Alhamdulillah, I cannot imagine myself without Hijab. Hijab gave me courage, it helped me to realize who I really am, it makes me feel safe and protected and most of all, I am following beautiful, one and only Maryam which is a role model I decided to follow with many other sisters around the world. Hijab also protects what belongs to my husband. Hijab helps people to see me as an intelligent person as what I gain, I gain through my hard work and not appearance. Alhamdulillah for everything. - Farha Adrianna (UK) Please Share your hijab experience with us using the following link: worldhijabday/submit-story/ #WorldHijabDay #Feb1
Posted on: Sat, 03 Jan 2015 11:00:01 +0000

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