Assalamu Alaikum my dear brothers. there is something I have - TopicsExpress


Assalamu Alaikum my dear brothers. there is something I have observed in recent times with regards to my Tijaniyya brothers and their alliance with the Shia. In fact, is being worrying us a lot I mean some Muslims in Ghana especial the SUNNA people. We have come to realized that, many youth from the Tijaniyyyan sect are now converting to Shiaism and we cannot understand the reason for that. And some of them claim to be HYBRID, thats they are Tijjaniyans and the Shia at the same time. It is with the greatest worry and sadness from me to day, so I wish to ask my Tijanniya brothers a simple question and I will say, WHY? and in fact, WHY? why do you allowed yourself to be confused by the SHIAS in GHANA? Do you people forgot about the root of the Tijanniya sect? Sheikh Ahmed Tijani and Sheikh Ibrahim Nyase couldnt have beeen what they were or what they are today, if not because of their SUNNI IDEOLOGIES and practices. If you dont know let me tell you people today. Every Tijaniyyan is a SUNNI but not All SUNNIS are Tijaniyya. I Abdallah Mohammed Fatogma (Kashuba) I studied with some children of the Sheikh Ibrahim Nyase in the 80s in the state of Qatar. we were all thinking the same. with pure SUNNI IDEOLOGIES and practices.( the love for prophet Mohammed, his family members) special recognition for Sayyidna Abubakar, Umar, Uthma and Ali(May ALLAH be pleased with them all) and respect for all the SAHABAS. I am therefore appealing to my brothers and sisters in the Tijanniya, to look back to their roots and diassociate themselves from the SHIA. I wear ALLAH, and I swear by the majesty of ALLAH if you allow the SHIA to infiltrate your ranks, then take it from, they will pollute your brains and you will never respect any of your SHUYUKH again. No any SHIA will allow you to praise any Muslims cleric if not Imam ALI and his children with fabrications. And above all , No any Shia who loves any SUFI. You people must know that, the SHIAs see any SUFI as a SUNNI from the ranks of Sayyidna Abubakar (RTA) . according to some teachings it was sayyidna Abubakar who started SUFISM something we the SUNNI people are rejecting. Because of that the SHIa hate any SUFI. take it from me. These days if am debating with my tijanniya brothers, all of sudden t the so called HYBRID SHIAS will come and change the course of our debating to shias point of views. We the SUNNI do not care much cause our base is so strong. we hold the Holy Quran and the SUNNA of the RASUL so firmed with our two hands. No any SHIA can come closer to us. Why my Tijaniya brothers can you easily fall into this dangerous Shia traps? Am therefore calling onto my brothers like Ibrahim Jaffaru , Mohammed Yakubu, Hajj Abdul Mumin Abubakar, Saluhu Nurudeen SurvivingPillar AbubakarAl-Sodiq Mohammed Abubakari M. Ezudeen, Abdul-Muyassir Kamara and others to check your ranks, there are HYPOCRITES among you and they are coverting themselves and others to Shiaism. The big question is WHY? is it because of their fornications that they called TEMPORAL marriage or MUTA ? oh those who are now converting to Shiaism do not longer believe in your SHUYUKH again or what? NB: I mean by the Tijanniyans are SUNNiS to indicate that, their founding fathers started as SUNNIS then later renegaded and created the Tijanniya sect. with some additions and practices which the main SUNNIS didnt agree with them. So, IDEOLOGICALLY, they are SUNNIS and practically in some aspect they are not.
Posted on: Sat, 31 May 2014 08:46:55 +0000

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