Assalamu alaikum. Highlights of Kutbah delivered by Sheik - TopicsExpress


Assalamu alaikum. Highlights of Kutbah delivered by Sheik Muhammad bin Othman at Masjidis Sahaba, Kundila, Kano, on 4th Rabiul Auwal, 1436 AH, 26/12/2014 CE. (CAVEAT- This are highlights of the khutbah as stated above. I did not take notes. I relied on my memory,so any mistakes are probably totally mine). The khutbah was based on the 10 advices given by Imam Ahmad bin Hambal Ash-shaibany (rahimahullah) to his son on the latters wedding day. 1. Women demand dalal. That is they like to know that their husbands respect them and give them high regards. 2. A woman likes her husband to constantly TELL (emphasis mine) her he loves her. 3. Women like husbands that are flexible and not too rigid on trivial issues. 4. A woman likes from her husband what he likes from her such as neatness, good dressing, smelling nicely, etc. 5. My son, you should know that your wife balances love for you and love for her parents and family. Please dont force or threaten her to choose you, maintain the balance. 6. Be mindful that everybody has his/her kingdom and the kingdom of women is their houses (that is why Allah says wa qarna fi biyutikunna... and not wa qarna fi biyuti azwajikunna... even though most times, husbands own the houses). So, dont dethrone them, allow them to rule in their houses. 7. Know that women were created from a twisted bone (rib) and as the Arabic saying goes; the beauty of the eyebrow is in its curvature, their beauty is in their softness and weaknesses. So see that as benefits not weaknesses. 8. When she cannot satisfy your needs or chores due to menstruation, pregnancy, illnesses or too much domestic chores, etc, please pardon her; she is fulfilling what Allah had ordained her to do. 9. Know that she used to be free, in her parents house, to move around and do other things but she is now a captive where she must seek your permission to do almost anything. Dont use that to suffocate her. 10. Respect her family. (Sheik bin Usman that dont call her parents by their names if she does not). the Imam said he considers this important due to the prevailing incessant divorces in the ummah. May Allah reward malam abundantly and us jameean.
Posted on: Mon, 29 Dec 2014 13:32:42 +0000

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