Assalamu alaikum warahmatullah. Further to my e-mail of last - TopicsExpress


Assalamu alaikum warahmatullah. Further to my e-mail of last night, the Hoothiyyon ar-Rawafid (Shias) are continuing upon their criminal and merciless attacks on our brothers, sisters and children who are students of Darul Hadith in Dammaj in an attempt wipe out their Dawah (call) to Allah and the pure Sunnah of His Messenger sallallahu alaihi wasallam. Around six (6) brothers were killed in an attack on a large masjid in Dammaj yesterday which was a hit by an armoured tank that had fired into the masjid through one of the windows, the attack also left around 30 injured and the condition of some being critical. Alongside the attack on the masjid, heavy shelling, close combat assaults and spontaneous tank hits and cannon fire upon other areas in Dammaj surrounding the masjid Darul Hadith has resulted in a total confirmed casualty of twenty (20) with over ninety (90) wounded from yesterday alone including those from the Masjid attack. As of now, the total number of those who have been killed in this second siege by the Rawafid which has lasted nearly a month to date from the beginning of the month Dhul Hijjah; is over sixty (60) people and hundreds injured. However, Alhaldulillah our noble Shaikh Yahya ibn Ali al-Hajoorie is very firm and confident that the help of Allah is close and so are the brothers, may Allah make them steady and preserve them all. These were some of the words of our Noble Shaikh Yahya which he had spoken during his class between Maghrib and Isha yesterday night after the said attacks and killings, begin quote: They (the Rawafid Shia) are a group of tyrants, they want our lives, they want our Dar (the Masjid Darul Hadith), they want our Dawah (call to Islam), they want our Aqeedah (Creed/ belief), they want our Islam, (so then) where will we go? Wherever the Sunni (Muslim) goes they (the Rawafid) will plot against him. This is our Dawah (call to Islam) and this is our Dar (the masjid Darul Hadith) and our lives are cheaper than it (i.e. Our Dawah). Our lives are a Fidaa (self-sacrifice) for it, for this Dawah, by Allah (our lives) are neither more expensive with us than it (i.e. this Dawah) ever, nor (more expensive than) the Deen of Allah Azz Wajal. Not money, not a child, not a soul is more expensive with us than the Deen of Allah subhanah ever! So for this, who will we be? (And then the Shaikh recited the following verse): Say (O Muhammad ): Verily, my Salât (prayer), my sacrifice, my living, and my dying are for Allâh, the Lord of the Alamîn (mankind, jinns and All that exists). [al-Anaam: 162] End quote. Earlier today I called one of the brothers who was responsible for the guest room attached to the masjid for a purpose and when he had directed me to speak to a Shaikh, he went on to ask me if I needed anything else from him. O brothers and sisters, let us take a moment to think, that brother is in a place where they are being attacked, killed, fired upon with all what the Rawafid could get their hands on but he asks me if there is anything else that I need!!! By Allah, it is WAJIB upon every one of us to ask Dua for these brothers who are striving for the cause of Allah and against those despicable race of Rawafid who are the enemies of Allah, Islaam and the Muslims. A group of people, children, men, women, elderly, and young, all students peacefully studying the Quran and the Sunnah of the Messenger sallallahu alaihi wassallam as per the understanding of the Sahabah radiyallahu anhum, just wanting to be left alone so that they could continue with their studies, not waging war against the Muslim rulers, neither blowing up nor killing innocent people in public places, not kidnapping anyone, not wanting political positions or postings, just simply studying the Deen, practicing it and calling to it. Such a group of innocent people being surrounded, blockaded and attacked mercilessly, SubhanAllah, what would they do except try to defend themselves against such a filthy and tyrannous enemy of Islam? By Allah they have all the right to defend themselves and Allah subhanahu wata ala has said: “Then whoever transgresses the prohibition against you, you transgress likewise against him. and fear Allâh, and know that Allâh is with Al-Muttaqûn” [al-Baqarah: 194] “Permission to fight is given to those (i.e. believers against disbelievers), who are fighting them, (and) because they (believers) have been wronged, and surely, Allâh is Able to give them (believers) victory” [al-Hajj: 39] O Allah, the Lord of all that exists, I ask You as You are The One and there is no Ilah except You, protect our Mashaikh, brothers, sisters and children in Dammaj and aid them and make them firm in their Eeman and destroy every one of the Rawafid and send down upon them your curse and punishment and send your forces upon them from all directions and rain on them with every affliction and trial and tribulation and cause a division in their ranks and fill their hearts with fire. O Allah curse and destroy every one of the Rafidi and do not allow any of them to remain on the face of the earth. Abu Asma Milhan Ibn Haniffa
Posted on: Sun, 03 Nov 2013 06:12:39 +0000

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