Assallamu Alleykum warrahmatullahi wabarakatuhu. I would like to - TopicsExpress


Assallamu Alleykum warrahmatullahi wabarakatuhu. I would like to notify my friends and brothers and Sisters in Islam, that i may not be in facebook. for a while. This is my wasiyah(advice) for you pals; 1. Fear Allah wherever you go 2. Behave with people as you want them to behave with you(i mean good character) 3. Facebook is a Fitnahbook if you dont transform it into a Daawah tool. 4. The prayer! the prayer! The prayer! 5. Your Mum and Dad are the easy gateway to Jannah 6. Do no get too much into the lust of this Dunya lest you forget to secure the eternal luxury of the hereafter 7. The closer you get to Allah, the more sucessful you will get; become Allahs lover, He will give you the best of everything you desire. 8. Your wives are half your Deen! You cant afford to loose half of your faith i geuz. 9. Be yourself!! Allah has made you unique; wake up and achieve your goal. The few days you live in this temporary world is not worth your depression. You will end up in a place with an eternal life, free from depression and anxiety (Firadowsatul aalaa in sha Allah) 10. repel bad deeds with that which is good; your worst enemy will be as though he is your best friend. 11. Humility, Kindness, mercy & gratitudes always beautifies the soul. 12. Help the poor with your wealth, the orphan with your earnings, the relatives with your treasury and support Islamic causes with your savings and you will become among the rightly envied people. 13. Make The Quran the comfort of your soul, it will comfort you on a day when there is less comfort (Qiyamah) 14. Always remember all you have is the next minute; Allahs hands are open to accept your repentance, so hurry!! before death hurries you. 15. Beware of your soul! it is a commander of evil. 16. Remember Allah in all your endeavours or you will become like the dead 17. Seek the path to learn our beautifull shariah, Allah will guide to the path of Jannah in sha Allah. 18. Be thankfull for the blessings of Allah; you have more than you can count. 19. Be patiant in difficulties, you will triumph in all your trials. 20. Remember death & the grave. sit and befriend with the righteous, they will help you earn good deeds. *************************** With those few advice, i leave under the care of Allah subhanna wataala. Jazakamullah kheiral jazaa. note; i wil update you with the message of the khutbah though. in sha Allah.
Posted on: Tue, 05 Nov 2013 06:05:19 +0000

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