Assassination Attempt On My Life Not Religious – Buhari — Jul - TopicsExpress


Assassination Attempt On My Life Not Religious – Buhari — Jul 25, 2014 Former head of state and leader of the All Progressives Congress (APC) General Muhammadu Buhari yesterday said that the assassination attempt on his person had nothing to do with religion or ethnicity but an act of terrorism. The former head of state who commiserated with the families of those that lost loved ones said, “I came out of the car with blood stains on my dress. I did not know how it came about because I did not have a scratch myself, but dead bodies were all over the place.” The elder statesman disclosed this when he received Governor Mukhtar Ramalan Yero and the state security chiefs who visited his residence to sympathize with him over the bomb blasts targeted at him on his way to Daura Wednesday. General Buhari said: “When this question of Boko Haram started I’m sure it was on record that the first statement I made about 18 months ago – I said no religion advocates what is happening. So, basically, this is not a case of religion; it is not ethnic either. “They kill children in schools in the north-east, they kill teachers, they burn churches, they burn mosques, they burn motor parks, they burn marketplaces. Where is religion, where is ethnicity there? This is terrorism and I hope the government will come to grips with it. Nigeria is capable of dealing with this. We dealt with the civil war; for 30 months we fought and we kept Nigeria one and, God willing, we are going to keep Nigeria one. Meanwhile, the 24-hour curfew imposed on Kaduna metropolis has been lifted and residents asked to go about their normal and legitimate businesses and remain law-abiding. Briefing newsmen shortly after Governor Mukhtar Ramalan Yero and the security chiefs in the state toured the scenes of the bomb blast and hospitals where the survivors were receiving treatment, Kaduna State commissioner of information Ben Bako said in addition to the deaths recorded at the scene of the twin blasts, additional two people died on the night of the blast in the hospital while three others died yesterday morning. On the earlier imposed curfew, the Mr Bako said the decision became imperative to prevent escalation of the situation, while appreciating the compliance of the general public to the order.
Posted on: Fri, 25 Jul 2014 11:11:45 +0000

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