Assassination of Uthman ibn Affan (radiAllahu anhu)! Uthman’s - TopicsExpress


Assassination of Uthman ibn Affan (radiAllahu anhu)! Uthman’s Murder 1 ; Uthman (radiallahu anhu) spread the Mushaaf before him and began to read from it, and at that time he was fasting. Then one of the besiegers entered upon him. When Uthman saw him he said to him:Between you and I there is the Book of Allaah. So the man went out and left him alone. Tareekh at-Tabari (5/405,406)] But no sooner had he left but another one came in. He was a man from bank Sadoos who was called al-Mawt al-Aswad. He strangled him before striking him with the sword. He said: By Allaah, I never saw anything more soft when strangling: I strangled him until I felt that his soul was moving in his body. [Tareekh ibn Khayaat (pg. 174, 175). Its isnaad is Hasan] Then he struck him with his sword, and Uthman tried to protect himself with his hand, but he cut it off. Uthman said: by Allaah, it was the first hand to write al-Mufassal. Uthman was killed when the Mushaf was in front of him, and when his hand was cut off, the blood spilled onto the mushaf that was in front of him, and it fell upon the verse ”and Allaah will be sufficient for you against them. And He is the Hearing, the Knowing.” [Qur’aan (2:137)] [Tareekh at-Tabari (5/398)] Uthmans Murder (2) Muawiyah ibn Abi Sufyan: O Ameer al- Mumineen, come with me to Syria before the situation gets worse and you will not be able to handle it. Uthman ibn Affan: I will not trade being close to the Messenger of Allaah (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) for anything, even if it leads to the cutting of my neck. Muawiyah: Then I will sent an army to you from Syria, to stay in Madinah and confront the expected dangers and protect you and the people of Madinah. Uthman: I do not want to reduce the provision of the neighbors of the messenger of Allaah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) with these soldiers coming to live amongst them, and I do not want conditions to become crowded for the Muhajirin and Ansar. Muawiyah: O ameer al-Mumineen, you will be assasinated. Uthman: Allaah is sufficient for me and He is the best of disposer of affairs. [Tareekh at-Tabari (5/353)] Uthman was kiled when the Quraan was in front of him, and when his hand was cut off, the blood spilled onto the Quraan that was in front of him, and it fell upon the verse: So Allaah will suffice for you against them. And He is the All-hearer, the All- Knower. [Quraan (Al-Baqarah 137)] [Tareekh At-Tabari (5/398)] with many isnads. This narration is Hasan. Uthman’s Murder (3) Uthman was assassinated in the year 35 A.H on a Friday. He was 82 years old. They strangled Uthman fiercely causing him to become unconscious. They cut his hand and the first drops of his blood fell on the verse 137 of Surah Al- Baqarah. Another man came with his sword. Uthman’s wife, Na’ilah bint Farafisah tried to stop him with her hand but he cut her fingers in the process. This man stepped forward and put his sword in Uthman’s stomach and killed him. Ibn Jarir reported that they decided to sever Uthman’s head after killing him. Another Egyptian entered with intend to cut off Uthman’s nose. One of them shouted, “If his blood is allowed to us, why not his property.” They went out and closed the door on Uthman and the others who were killed with him. When they were on their way out in the courtyard, Uthmans slave killed Qatrah. They spared nothing so much so that they snatched the scarf os Na’ilah, but Uthman’s slave beat him to death. However he too was killed. Khawarij Influence of the Saba’is (followers of Abd-Allah ibn Saba) on the Murder of Uthman ibn Affan! Abd-Allaah ibn Saba who is also known as ibn Al- Sawda, was a jew from Yemen who appeared outwardly to have become Muslim at the time of Uthman ibn Affan. He was noticeably active in Syria, Iraq and Egypt in particular. He drew up plans and produced destructive ideas to divert the Muslims from their religion and stop them obeying their Khaleefah, and create division among them [Tahqeeq Mawaqif al-Sahabah fil Fitna (1/284) The Raafidah sect started with the heretic Abd- Allaah ibn Saba. He had followers who were called Sabais, who believed in the divinity of Ali ibn Abi Talib. They went extreme in praising and exaggerated about Ali ibn Abi Talib. He claimed that Ali was infallible and should have been the Khaleefah. Ibn Taymiyyah [Majmoo al Fatawa} Ibn Taymiyyah [Majmoo al Fatawa} Abd-Allah ibn Saba started the fitna in Egypt, where he planted the seeds of grudges and criticism against the governors, then against the ruler Uthman ibn Affan [Tahqeeq Mawafiq al-Sahabah (1/338)] Ibn Khatheer narrated that among the causes of the incitement against Uthman was the emergence of ibn Saba, and his going to Egypt and spreading rumors among the people that he fabricated himself, and many people in egypt were deceived. [Al-Bidayah Wan Nihayah (7/167,168)] He stirred up a revolution against Uthman ibn Affan (radiallahu anhu), claiming Ali (radiallahu anhu) was the more worthy and legitimate ruler. He organized his campaign against Uthman in Egypt urging the people to go to Madinah and stir up Fitna on the basic that Uthman had become caliph unlawfully and snatched it from Ali. He deceived them by means of the letters which he claimed to have received from senior Sahabah, they did not receive any encouragement from them and they denied any letters that had been attributed to them, inciting the people against Uthman. [Tareekh at-Tabani (5/348) ibn Saba was one of the factors in the Fitna which ended with the murder of the Khaleefah Uthman ibn Affan. They also lied upon Ali ibn Abi Talib claiming that he approved their action. Ali swore oaths in his Khubahs and at others times stating that he did not kill Uthman and that he did not order his killing or support it or approve of it. [Al Bidaayah Wan Nihaayah (7/202) Ibn Taymiyyah said: “This is all a lie against Ali and a fabrication against him. Ali did not take part in the murder of Uthman, nor did he order it or approve of it. That was narrated from him and he was truthful and honest. [Minhaaj al-Sunnah (4/406)] Ali ibn Abi Talib said: “O Allaah, I declare my innocence before you of shedding the blood of Uthman. [Al Aqeeda fi Ahlul byte; Al Hakim; Al Riyaadh al- Nadirah; At Tabaqaat; Al Bidaayah wan Nihayah; Fadail Sahabah] Imam Ahmed narrated with his isnaad from Muhammad ibn al Hanafiyyah (son of Ali ibn Abi Talib) that he said: Ali heard that Aisha was cursing the killers of Uthman in al-Mirbad. He raised his hands until he reached his face, then he said: And I also curse the killers of Uthman; May Allaah curse them in the plains and in the mountain. He said it two or Three times. [Fadaa il al-Sahabah (1/555) no 733, its isnad is Saheh] The Sabais eventually claimed Ali is Allaah himself. The news reached Ali ibn Abi Talib during his Khaleefah, he ordered to burn them alive. And this is reported in the Saheh, Sunans and Musnads. The evidences and Proofs take precedence over the people of theological rhetorics and their speech . . .
Posted on: Sat, 20 Sep 2014 09:59:36 +0000

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