Assessing Vladimir Putin : his achievements are impressive. As - TopicsExpress


Assessing Vladimir Putin : his achievements are impressive. As expressed by the Saker, Putin has: -broken the back of the AngloZionist-backed oligarchy in Russia. -achieved a truly miraculous success in Chechnia (one which nobody, prophets included, had foreseen). literally resurrected the Russian economy. -rebuilt the Russian military, security and intelligences forces. -severely disrupted the ability of foreign NGOs to subvert Russia. -done more for the de-dollarization of the planet than anybody before. -made Russia the clear leader of both BRICS and SCO. -openly challenged the informational monopoly of the western propaganda machine (with projects like RussiaToday). -stopped an imminent US/NATO strike on Syria by sending in a Russian Navy Expeditionary Force (which gave Syria a full radar coverage of the entire region). -made it possible for Assad to prevail in the Syrian civil war. -openly rejected the Western universal civilizational model and declared his support for another, a religion and tradition based one. -openly rejected a unipolar New World Order lead by the AngloZionists and declared his support for a multi-polar world order. -supported Assange (through RussiaToday) and protected Snowden -created and promoted a new alliance model between Christianity and Islam thus undermining the clash of civilization paradigm. -booted the AngloZionists out of key locations in the Caucasus (Chechnia, Ossetia). -booted the AngloZionists out of key locations in Central Asia (Manas base in Kyrgyzstan) -gave Russia the means to defend her interest in the Arctic region, including military means. -established a full-spectrum strategic alliance with China which is at the core of both SCO and BRICS. -is currently passing laws barring foreign interests from controlling the Russian media. -gave Iran the means to develop a much needed civilian nuclear program. -is working with China to create a financial system fully separated form the current AngloZionist controlled one (including trade in Rubles or Renminbi). -re-establised Russian political and economic support for Cuba, Venezuela, Bolivia, Ecuador, Brazil, Nicaragua and Argentina. -very effectively deflated the pro-US color-coded revolution in Russia. -organized the Voentorg which armed the NAF. -gave refuge to hundreds of thousands of Ukrainian refugees. -sent in vitally needed humanitarian aid to Novorussia. -provided direct Russian fire support and possibly even air cover to NAF in key locations (the southern cauldron for example). -last but not least, he openly spoke of the need for Russia to sovereignize herself and to prevail over the pro-US 5th column
Posted on: Mon, 29 Sep 2014 13:08:10 +0000

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