Assimilation - Soapbox 1/19/15 The recent rash of homegrown - TopicsExpress


Assimilation - Soapbox 1/19/15 The recent rash of homegrown terrorists has again raised the question of, “Why would a person born, educated and protected by his homeland suddenly turn into a vicious enemy of the state?” Why would a boy, raised in a middle American home whose only contact with radical Islam is an internet recruitment video, turn his back on everything he knows and become a would-be soldier of Islam committing to whatever violent act he is ordered to do, up to and including going to a totally foreign land to fight a war or strapping a suicide bomb to his body and walking into a crowded shopping mall? This has fostered two major schools of thought and of course the more liberal one blames the cruelty and indifference of America and the West for alienating Muslims and forcing them into ghettos, denying them acceptance and the financial and social benefits the rest of the citizens enjoy. The other theory is that many Muslims dont really want to assimilate, that the strictness of their religious beliefs and customs forgo any close association with people of other faiths, with zero tolerance for other denominations and beliefs. That they instead want to form their own sovereign mini nations, with their own closed societies, their own laws and their own enforcement, or “No Go Zones” as they have become known in Europe. There are stories that radical Islamists have set up paramilitary type training camps around the American countryside and since they operate within the boundaries of our law they are basically pseudo off limits to all but Muslims. It is hard to believe that such compounds have anything to do with assimilation. No other people that have immigrated en masse to America has had such a standoffish attitude about becoming part of normal American life, granted there are small sects within some other religions that tend to separate themselves from the mainstream, but for the most part over the last couple of hundred years assimilation has been pretty general amongst the immigrants who have come to America. It is a known fact that there are Mosques where radical minded Imams preach violent jihad, where vulnerable young men are recruited and persuaded to join ISIS or become part of a secret stand by cell here in the United States. While all this is happening the President of the United States whose sworn duty is to protect America from enemies foreign and domestic is basically ignoring the recruiting efforts and training camps in this nation and maintaining a lukewarm attitude toward the clear and present danger Islamic terrorism poses in the rest of the world, never even acknowledging the role radical Islam plays in worldwide terror. Anyone who leaves this nation to fight with an enemy of America should have their passports revoked and never be able to set foot on American soil again ever. But have you heard Obama even mention such a thing? I havent. In the meantime, the citizens of America dont share the lackadaisical attitude of President Obama, Mayor De Blasio and their ilk. They are becoming increasingly aware of the danger to them and their families and rapidly coming to the conclusion that their safety is going to be a question of how well prepared private citizens are going to be in order to deal with it. People constantly ask the question, “Can what happened in France happen in America?” The sorry truth is that unless our national leadership abandons its childish politically correct stance and tightens the screws, barring an act of God, it not only can, but will happen in America. With the Islamic blind spot Obama has combined with his habit of showing up at a baseball bat fight with a toothpick, and showing up late even then, you can bet these weaknesses are not being ignored by those who would attack our country. Of course I have to mention the obvious or this will be taken as a blanket indictment of all Muslims. Most Muslims are not radicals intent on carrying out jihad against us infidels, but that small percentage of them - the ones who are radial - are a very dangerous and bloodthirsty group. Be vigilant America, you have a right and an obligation to protect your home and family. Keep a close eye on your Second Amendment rights and those in power who would take them away from you. Remember what the Japanese general said about invading the American mainland, about there being a rifle behind every blade of grass. Its an awesome thought. What do you think? Pray for our troops and the peace of Jerusalem. God Bless America Charlie Daniels
Posted on: Mon, 19 Jan 2015 23:06:50 +0000

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