Assistance of Counsel Package Guide. March 31, 2014 Enclosed - TopicsExpress


Assistance of Counsel Package Guide. March 31, 2014 Enclosed within this file folder are several MS Word documents that I believe were prepared by a man called Marcel. My dearly departed friend, Meredith Scott, of Tuscon, Arizona sent me these documents. She had first hand knowledge that the Assistance of Counsel questionnaire process worked, because a friend of hers used them and it stopped the court from proceeding further, and this friend won their case after months of haggling. ___________________________________________________________________________ Big Disclaimer: 1. You must physically hand the attorney the one page, eight question Assistance of Counsel questionnaire/contract, to make this offer to contract valid. Calling the attorney on the phone may not work. The judge ( administrator ) may railroad you if you do not follow the proper procedures on how to contract. This has happened to people before. 2. If the term “sovereign citizen” is anywhere in these documents, please disregard it. There is no such thing as a “sovereign citizen.” We are man and woman first. “One of the People” and/or American national Illinoisans, ( Kentuckians, Texans, etc. ) second. ___________________________________________________________________________ Here is the key to the process: You do not want to give up your unalienable ( un-a-lien-able ) right to a speedy trial. Asking for a continuance waives that right. If you are arrested and charged for an alleged crime and have to defend yourself at court, then I highly suggest you consult with at least three attorney’s and present the one page, eight questionnaire to them. If they refuse to accept the contract to be your assistance of counsel then ask them to put that in writing for you so that you can present this fact to the court should the need arise. If the attorneys do not cooperate by providing you the documentation proving that they will not sign on as your assistance of counsel, then you can create a Declaration of fact ( a sample copy included herein ) or an affidavit, attesting to the fact that you contacted said attorneys and they refused to accept the contract to be the assistance of counsel. If you wish to use an affidavit, be aware that using a notary may subject you to another set of rules which you may or may not be familiar with and want to come under. I have attached the adobe file: Bouvier’s Law Dictionary 1856 for further explanation of what a declaration is. Remember that we have the Declaration of Independence of 1776. A declaration is a very powerful document, similar to an affidavit, especially when un-rebutted. An un-rebutted affidavit, affirmation and declaration stand as truth until rebutted. I have had success with stating this fact to the IRS. The IRS changed their tune big time, to my benefit, after I brought the fact to their attention that I sent them an affidavit which they did not rebut and that an un-rebutted affidavit stands as truth. Be careful of document in this file folder entitled: To the lawfirm of. Through my research, one might not want to involve themselves in the discussion of the non-existent and non-constitutional 16th Amendment. However, there are other facts within that document, especially bringing up Title 27 CFR and subtitle A ( see Ralph Winterrowd ) which is an absolute poison pill to the IRS along with redeeming for lawful money pursuant of pages 18 through 21 of the 1913 Federal Reserve Act codified hereinafter as Title 12 U.S.C. § 411. The term “taxable year” is where the known legal duty is to pay the income tax and it is computed under subtitle A. In Title 26 USC you will find under subtitle A the “Withholding Agent,” 1441 ( non-resident alien ) 1442 ( foreign corporation ) and 1443 ( foreign organization ). Further information about this topic will be posted in the IRS package I send out shortly after completing this document. Going back to the assistance of counsel, no attorney will sign this contract, because they might have their bar card revoked. This is the beauty of it all because the court cannot proceed against you without a bar card attorney re-presenting you. We should stay focused on the fact that you are unable to obtain your unalienable right to assistance of counsel. Stand your ground and invoke your right to counsel if the judge ( administrator ) moves the case forward without you having an attorney ( actually, I do not think the judge has that authority, it is up to the plaintiff ). Meredith told me that this matter never goes beyond the third judge as they dismiss ( you might want to have it vacated with prejudice or dismissed with prejudice ) it every time, even if they railroad and tell you to come back to court at a set date with an attorney. Continue the same process by contacting three more attorneys in the mean time. However, you will not need to go through this process because the first time you go down to court you stand your ground and invoke your right to a speedy trial. In cases of red light cameras, they have no right to continue the matter as the rules require that it has to be properly adjudicated on the spot. The attorneys in most cases do not file an “enter of appearance” and other required documents proving their authority to come against the “ALL CAPS” name. I believe they do this to protect themselves in case their fraud is ever discovered in the future. This way, there is very little to no paper trail of their crimes. It was as if they were never there. How crafty attorneys are. But in the end, the truth shall be revealed. Woe to ye attorneys. The following is an email I received from Michael James Anthony, who passed away in late 2013 concerning the Assistance of Counsel package: Never ask for or accept a continuance. You lose speedy trial which is a critical component of this method. Always object if the prosecutor asks for one. If you cant obtain competent counsel they cant proceed. Once the time limit (different for each state) expires they have to dismiss the case. You can also ask the attorneys for a letter saying they refuse to represent you; if they dont give you one just document all of it contemporaneously. Seminal case on the absolute right of assistance of counsel of the defendants choice, Gonzalez-Lopez, attached. Also, Simmons, stating that you dont have to give up one right (the assistance of counsel) to exercise another (self-representation, or to appear AS yourself). They always want you to surrender your right to counsel if you appear as yourself (or, heaven forbid, on behalf of yourself, pro se). Never accept a public defender either. You dont qualify financially. I remain yours, Pro Libertate Patriae, For the Liberty of My Country, Michael James Anthony It is critical that once the judge calls the ALL CAPS name, to reply like this: “I am here for that matter.” This way, you do not give the court jurisdiction over your body. It has also been suggested not to cross over the bar. Stay behind it because once you do cross the bar, again, it gives them jurisdiction or the presumption of jurisdiction. Follow this up by saying that, “I am here on special appearance only.” Some judges ( sorry administrators ) have been heard saying at open court that there is no such thing as special appearance, know this, they are lying. Yes, there is such a thing as “special appearance.” It keeps the court from gaining jurisdiction over you. If you go down to court on “general appearance” then yes, you have given the court jurisdiction over you. Insist that you are there on “special appearance only” and keep repeating this. A friend of mine said this at least three times to the judge and by the third time they asked the judge, “What part of I am here on special appearance only is it that you do not understand?” If a judge asks you at court, “do you understand?” What that question truly means is, “do you stand under me?” (under the authority of the judge and court ). If you answer yes to the last question, you just gave the court jurisdiction over you. I shall cover the subject of jurisdiction in another package. The purpose of this guide is to help the beginner to comprehend the basic concepts behind the Assistance of Counsel. The following excerpts are from an email I received from Jerry. I put them in a separate MS Word document included within this folder. Americans appearing in American courts represented by licensed lawyers are known to be wards-of-the-court. See, e.g., Corpus Juris Secundum, Attorney & Client, Sec. 2, pg 769.: Blacks Law Dictionary (5th Ed., 1991) defines wards-of-the-court as infants or persons of unsound mind. [ Those with out rights ] You could look it up. Your lawyer didnt explain this to you when he took your money? Ever Wonder why? Ask Larry. Their [the attorneys] first duty is to the court, not to the client, and wherever the duties he owes to the client conflict with the duties he owes to the court, as an officer of the court in the administration of justice, the former must yield to the latter. Corpus Juris Secundum, Attorney & Client, Sec. 4, pg 802. [Emphasis mine.] Your lawyer didnt explain this to you either? A clear case of criminal Deception, a fraud to imprison those that never had a lawful complaint, brought before a constitutional compliant court or were ever shown due cause or a contract they signed that had full discloser. The Revised Code of Washington is not the law.” Parosa v. Tacoma, 57 Wn.(2d) 409 (Dec.22, 1960). EVERYBODY WHO ALLOWS AN ATTORNEY TO . . .“REPRESENT THEM” . . . VOLUNTEERS TO GO TO PRISON UNDER ARGERSENGER v. HAMLIN which reads: ““We hold that no person may be deprived of his liberty who has been denied the assistance of counsel as guaranteed by the Sixth Amendment. This holding is applicable to all criminal prosecutions, including prosecutions for violations of municipal ordinances. The denial of assistance of counsel will preclude the imposition of a jail sentence. . . . Under the rule we announce today, every judge will know when the trial of a misdemeanor starts that no imprisonment may be imposed, even though local law permits it, unless the accused is represented by counsel. He will have a measure of the seriousness and gravity of the offense and therefore know when to name a lawyer to represent the accused before the trial starts.” ARGERSINGER v. HAMLIN, 407 U.S. 25, 27, 31, 37, 38, 40 (June 12, 1972). And; The information contained herein is for educational and informational purposes only. The reader should use discretion at all times and trust no man. As always, do the research. Robert Joseph 1. Fraud, 2. Ineffective Assistance of Counsel, 3. Notice of Competency – Revocation of Power of Attorney, 4. Order – Judge Crossdresser, 5. To the Lawfirm of, 6. Assistance of Counsel 8 Questions 2 pages 7. Assistance of Counsel 8 Questions 1 page 8. Adobe file: Bouvier’s Law Dictionary of 1856 Edition 9. File Folder: US vs Gonzales-Lopez Right to counsel of choice. 10. Assistance of Counsel Package Guide 11. Declaration of fact ( example ) 12. Truth behind hiring an attorney
Posted on: Sat, 16 Aug 2014 04:47:53 +0000

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