Astrological Update: New Moon in Gemini June 8, 2013 by Mary - TopicsExpress


Astrological Update: New Moon in Gemini June 8, 2013 by Mary LomaThis New Moon of June 8, 2013 falls in the sign of Gemini, the Twins. This Gemini moon is the “messenger” that follows last month’s two extremely powerful solar and lunar eclipses. This New Moon also precedes the Summer Solstice (the most potent time of the yearly cycle) of June 21st followed by the Capricorn Full Moon (manifestation in the material world) on June 23rd. We are moving into a new cycle where the source of all creation lies within us. Do you believe in magic? If not, it is time to wake up. The “heart” of truth residing within the sign of Gemini is that we can manifest our highest potentials once we let go of limiting beliefs. There is no glass ceiling on the Truth. “As a man thinks, so he is.” The Sabian Symbol for the New Moon at 19 degrees Gemini: A large archaic volume reveals a traditional wisdom; contacting the all-human planetary Mind, underlying any cultural and personal mentality. The Planetary Pictures: Mercury: Mercury, called the “Messenger”, is the traditional ruling planet of Gemini. Mercury rules our communication functions and modes of perception: speaking, writing, brain and nervous system. Our logical thought processes (left brain) are governed by Mercury. It is why when Mercury is in “retrograde”, we may become absent-minded or forgetful (more on Mercury retrograde later). If our thoughts have power, our words have even more. What we are now discovering more and more on a scientific level is what esotericists have maintained all along: communication is not limited to our 5 senses. Telepathy… dream cognition… intuition…channeling…visions are all part of our higher awakened perception. As we now move into a more heightened planetary vibration, we are able to hold more light (more information) on our conscious awareness. Our brain works very much like a computer and Mercury runs the programming….it is time for the upgrade! Moon and Mercury in Mutual Reception: This month the New Moon in Gemini and the planet Mercury in Cancer are in “mutual reception”. That means they are both (mutually) reinforcing the best qualities of each sign. In this case, perception (Gemini) and feelings (Cancer). This can also be seen as the “merging” of the head and heart; left and right brain; logic and intuition.New Moons are the time to plant seeds for the future. What ideas, projects, and connections do you want to nourish and grow over the next two weeks? This is the perfect time for aligning yourself with any project or idea that is close to your heart and inspires your passion. Be creative; spontaneous; and have fun! Mercury Retrograde Mercury turns retrograde on June 26th at 23 degrees Cancer and turns direct on July 20th. Mercury is also traveling with Venus (relationships) and Jupiter (travel) in the same sign during this period, so it a good time for doing creative projects, spending more time with the love ones, or taking that long-awaited beach vacation. Any type of re-editing, re-visioning, or re-structuring is in order, especially if it involves written projects or cleaning up household clutter. Due to the time of the year, this is vacation season. As with all retrogrades, no cause for panic, but you do want to service your car, check all tickets and passports way ahead of time, invest in the travel insurance (and don’t forget your house keys or pots on the stove). Checks or payments may be delayed (especially government related ones). If you are waiting on a real estate deal, it may get held up until after July 20th. Because Jupiter is also moving into the sign of Cancer at approximately the same time (see below), this particularly retrograde may seem less troublesome. Old friends and acquaintances may suddenly turn up, or you may decide to reconnect with someone after many years. Jupiter moves into the sign of Cancer June 25th for the first time in 12 years. All the Cancerian issues will gain wider attention. (We are just finishing a cycle of Jupiter in Gemini over the last 12 years, in which we have seen the rise of the internet; Wikipedia; Twitter; blogging, smart phones, Androids, and i-pad technology for preschoolers). In the sign of Cancer, Jupiter is less concerned with technology than emotional and physical security. Jupiter’s expansive vision will bring the issues of food production; housing; real estate and correct management of the earth’s resources to the fore. Businesses that deal in these types of commodities will do increasingly well. Also, women in the political and business arenas will rise to new heights. The sun sign of the US is in the sign of Cancer, so our next president may well be a woman elected on a platform of domestic reforms, rather than international issues. “Homeland Security” will become the “hydra with too many heads” unless we remember that the rights of the individual are protected by our Constitution. Jupiter has a tendency for excessiveness; Americans may spend more; eat more; and travel more in the upcoming year. Another Cancerian country is China. We can expect China to expand exponentially over the next few years. As it with all things Jupiterian, there is the possibility of over- stepping boundaries especially political and religious ones. The current Dalai Lama has the sun sign in Cancer. The next few months will bring his Holiness to the international spotlight once again. He will be an increased presence in the US. PERSONALLY SPEAKING: Wherever the sign of Gemini falls in your chart (the house position) will be activated by this New Moon. Gemini symbolizes how we perceive the universe around us and then convert it into our “knowingness”. For example, if you have Gemini in the 5th house, you may have a creative skill that involves children (books, music, etc.). Gemini in the 7th can experience a very active dating world. Gemini in the 11th likes to join groups that are socially aware and diverse. No matter where Gemini falls in your chart, this is a great time to explore your universe; learn something new; meet new people. If you are not an extraverted personality, listen to a language CD or talking book as you drive to work. Social media can be fun, and you can actually learn something from taking an internet, or Skype class. Egyptian God Thoth Meditation : In ancient Egypt, the god Thoth was the god of wisdom, medicine, writing and all sacred knowledge. The Greeks knew him as Hermes and the Romans. Mercury. In Egypt, he was depicted as a tall man with the head of an ibis bird and holding a long reed pen (stylus) and scribe’s palette. He was considered a magician, and the author of the “Emerald Tablets” considered t hold the keys to all creation. During this New Moon, you may want to call on Thoth as a Guide to help you access your inner wisdom and creativity. Light a white or yellow candle, if you have one. If you have a particular crystal(s) for meditation, use it. Find a comfortable position where your body feels at ease. Close your eyes and begin to breathe deeply. Concentrate on a golden ball of energy floating above you, and encircling you from the soles of your feet to the top of your head. Continue breathing. Feel the golden spiral of energy spinning inside your heart chakra and filling your body from the inside out with a warm glow. As your body begins to feel lighter, you see the form of Thoth standing before you. You have now entered his Crystal Temple, which contains the Hall of Records. In his hand he holds a pure white scroll with your name written in golden letters. He tells you this is your time of “graduation”. You have passed some extremely difficult tests in the past 6 months, and now you are ready to start a new cycle. Take some time to meditate on what it is that you really wish to manifest in the coming weeks. Try to be as specific as possible. Thoth reminds you that your words and thoughts are extremely powerful. Thoth now places the scroll into your hands. There may be a symbol; word or sound that comes to you when you feel it. This is part of your “soul signature”, and you are now ready to recognize it. Your heart expands with light at his words, and your mind feels crystal clear. You are energized and excited as you come back to your full consciousness and realize what an extraordinary adventure awaits you!! Blessings, Mary
Posted on: Sat, 08 Jun 2013 13:26:34 +0000

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