Astrological Weather Update by Gary Patrick OToole The current - TopicsExpress


Astrological Weather Update by Gary Patrick OToole The current line-up of planets is making for a less than agreeable environment, adding more tension into an already precarious mix. This is more obviously seen on our TV screens, but needs to be looked at closer to home. It is far too easy to look to world events while we forgo checking our own behavior. Venus, a planet that likes to keep things in balance when life gets too rough, is currently being hammered by the malefic planets, and unable to rescue the situation. This creates tension in our interrelations, leaving little room for negotiation, agreeableness, tact or decorum. Be mindful of this for the next few weeks until Venus moves into strength again by June 18th- especially as Mercury begins its retrograde period by the first week of June. Mars is now moving forward through terrain it has already trampled over a couple of times in recent months, so we may become impatient with others who do not see our point of view now that we are more sure of ourselves, or more importantly, with those who may have some say in how we are able to move forward. Mercury in Gemini keeps us somewhat flexible and engaged, but it will slow its course by the first week of June, before stationing on June 7th. As a result we overextend ourselves and our minds get too far ahead of our circumstances as we peer into what is possible in the future. Come back to the present as much as you can and deal with the business of the day. Thankfully Jupiters transit to Cancer by June 19th - a day which sees a new Mercury - will bring a new sense of what is possible as we build a new life from the rubble of the recent past. There is a new chapter in our lives which begins by mid-summer and, as we all know from reading novels, new chapters usually have a hook to excite the reader. This is no different in the planetary line-up, especially by mid-July as things get a lot more interesting.
Posted on: Sun, 25 May 2014 12:45:02 +0000

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