Astrological combinations for a singer in a horoscope: Friends - TopicsExpress


Astrological combinations for a singer in a horoscope: Friends as we know everything is destined and if there is something good or bad in the life, then the way is build up step by step towards that event. Today we will discuss about astrological combinations for a singer in a horoscope. We need see few factors in the horoscope in D-1 (Birth Chart), D-9 (Navamsa)and D-10 charts(Dasamsa) . 1. Mercury and 2nd house for voice – Mercury should be well placed and if connected with 2nd house of Vaani (Voice) that is excellent. Mercury also rules communication. Mercury connection with Venus or 2nd house is a good indication. 2. Moon for Artistic talent : We know the most prominent planet for artistic talent as we see moon changes his shape on daily basis like full moon, half moon.. For rhythm in voice up-low , moon is required and connection of moon with trikon (1st, 5th ,9th house) bless the native with artistic talent . Moon –Venus, Moon –Saturn, Moon Jupiter combination are good for Singing. 3. Saturn for stability and deep interest : Saturn must be connected with 3rd, 9th or Moon/Venus , because a singer needs stability in his voice to carry his breathe for a long time and deep interest to carry on as patience is key for such kind of profession. 4. Venus for Media : Venus is the key planet for media, so Venus should be connected with Mercury or 2nd house. Venus-Jupiter, Venus-Moon, Venus-Saturn, Venus-Mercury are good combinations. 5. Rahu-Ketu – Rahu gives the desires, Rahu/Ketu connection with Lagna and with these planets are necessary. 6. Jupiter for creativity and guidance 7. We have to see the nakshtra lords of these planets too. 8. Dasha – Dasha is the most important thing. Dasha of the planet is most prominent in the horoscope for singing out of these planets is the key. Let’s go with some example, I choosed 2 horoscope of Singers whom I know personally So I can say their birth details are correct for research purpose. Gender – Male Birth date – 06-Sep-1986 Time – 08:15 am Birth place – Chhapra , Bihar In first horoscope let’s see step by step : 1. Mercury is placed in Nakshtra of Venus and Venus is placed in 2nd house of Vaani. In D-9 Chart Mercury is placed in his own sign in Vigo. In D-10 Chart, again Mercury placed in 2nd house. (See Rule 1) 2. Moon placed in 1st house with Ketu . Moon placed in 9th house in D-10 chart. Moon is the lord of 11th house and placed in his own nakshtra. (See rule 2) 3. Saturn is placed in 3rd house of communication and Exalted in D-9 and D-10, Saturn is placed with Jupiter (Creativity) in 10th house of D-10 Chart. Saturn is in his own Nakshtra and Sub of Venus .(Rule 3) 4. Venus is the lord of 2nd (Voice/Vaani) and 9th (Luck, communication) and placed in 2nd house in his own sign. Venus is the lord of 5th house and 10th house of D-10 chart and placed in 11th house. (Rule 4) 5. Ketu is placed in 1st house with Moon. Ketu is placed in nakshatra of Mars and Mars is placed in nakshtra of Venus. Rahu is placed in nakshtra of Mercury and Mercury is placed in nakshtra of Venus. Venus is the prominent planet here too. (Rule 5) 6. Jupiter is placed in 6th house in Aquarius and Jupiter works better in this sign. Jupiter aspecting Venus and Mercury, apart from that Jupiter is placed in 10th house with Saturn in D-10 chart. (Rule 6) 7. Most of these planets are placed in nakshtra or Sub of Mercury and Venus . 8. Dasha of Rahu going on and Rahu is placed in 7th house , 2nd to Jupiter and in nakshtra of Venus. Another example I have a female singer . her details are : Date of Birth: 02-dec-1986 Time : 13:20 Place : Ranchi , Jharkhand In this horoscope also we will see so many above combinations are working well, I will request to readers to do some practical by own. Apply these rules in this horoscope carefully and see the results.
Posted on: Sun, 20 Jul 2014 16:54:33 +0000

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