Astrology Goddess As the moon heads into her last quarter phase - TopicsExpress


Astrology Goddess As the moon heads into her last quarter phase you will be prompted to journey within to find the answers to anything that is concerning you externally. Your intuition is at an all time high now, and you will find the answers that you seek if you allow yourself the space to retreat into sacred silence. As the Moon has just moved into Cancer, you will find that family, your home, and the past will be the thing that demands your attention the most. Add to that the fact that the Moon is just about to form a somewhat challenging aspect to the Sun in Libra, there will be moments when you feel torn between making decisions based on what you want as opposed to what other’s wants and needs are, or what you “think” you should do. Libra is very much a people pleasing energy and can tend to say yes just to avoid rocking the boat or disappointing anyone. While it is an admirable trait to think of others, you do need to find the balance between what you want and what others are wanting from you. The square between Venus and Mars can also see tension brewing, not only in the outside world, but also between the different sub personalities that we all have within us. Venus in Scorpio is quite happy to retreat and feel into what is going on internally before making any decisions, while Mars in Leo is prompting us to take immediate action. As both of these signs are fixed and stubborn, you may find that you will be locking horns with others, and maybe even expressing long held onto resentments that are brought about by sometimes the pettiest of things. While it is healthy to express how you are feeling, try to stick to the issue at hand instead of bringing all sorts of other things into the conversation- tit for tat can be damaging, and can alienate you further from the people that you love. It’s not all bad news though, as once the air is cleared and you can identify what is really bothering you, you will have a chance to smooth over any arguments or hurt feelings with the support of Jupiter forming a positive aspect to Venus. Hurts and harsh words will be forgotten as this love bubble comes along to work her magic and bring the happy vibes back into your world. Relationships can also become stronger once the issues have been acknowledged instead of ignored. In summary I just want to remind you that as you shift, grow, and change, so too will what you need and want from all of your connections. This is a time of being truly grateful for those who support you and help your world become a brighter place, and letting go of those who just don’t make the cut anymore. There is no point hanging onto a person or a situation if all it does is drag you I said at the beginning of this post-your inner-tuition is at an all time high, so listen to what it’s trying to tell you! )O(
Posted on: Fri, 27 Sep 2013 22:25:44 +0000

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