Astrology Tips Determination of deity There are mainly three - TopicsExpress


Astrology Tips Determination of deity There are mainly three Devata 1. isht devata 2. Kul devata 3. Guru devta To determine worship of devta, karkamsa (sign occupied by atamakarka) is of most important the ista devta, who guide one to achieve the real identity of the soul. the istha devata deity can be seen from the 12th house of the karkamsa, it guide the soul towards the high spiritual ideals. maha Rishi Jamini adds if the ketu the Mokshakarka planet is placed in 12th and 9th house from karkamsa the native aspire for final emancipation. If the sign occupied by 12th & 9 th house are pisces and cancer, then desire for moksha | emancipation will be marked. Do you know Atmakarma tends to punish it will always take the native on the divine path. Do you know void between perfect death and the next birth the void filled by the most. logical magnificent theory of transmigration called Samasara. This theory suggest that repeated death and births, till the soil satisfied or shed all the desires merges into the universal soul (God ). This final end is called moksha (emancipation, Nirvana, liberation)
Posted on: Sat, 25 Jan 2014 10:19:29 +0000

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