Astrology with Laura Eisenhower 10/22/14 We are just a day - TopicsExpress


Astrology with Laura Eisenhower 10/22/14 We are just a day away from the Solar Eclipse in Scorpio, on October 23rd. Last weeks lunar Eclipse brought increased awareness of our feelings of satisfaction or lack thereof in certain areas of our lives. Now, many folks have probably felt as though they have been in Nowhere land, during this time in between Eclipses. It can be somewhat challenging to stay in balance. Eclipses give us two weeks in between the lunations and so this becomes a time where we are called to just sit with the energies and more deeply understand their purposes in our lives. With Uranus strongly involved in last weeks Aries eclipse, we may have been feeling an increased restlessness in areas where we are feeling unfulfilled and the areas where our true desires are not being met. For some, the energy of the Lunar Eclipse has already brought about the epiphanies we needed. For others, the restlessness may linger or even fester. The rebel within is standing strong, daring us to take the leap that our practicality or caution would usually tell us to avoid. For all of us, whether or not major changes have occurred already, we wander in the vastness of this Nowhere Land, waiting for the signs and the inspirations that will lead us to our next step. To assist us in the coming week, retrograde Mercury is especially active - but will soon move direct after the 25th. When Mercury is moving backward, we are called to go inward and take inventory of how our beliefs have gotten in the way of our deeper truth or what fears are hiding beneath the surface, connected to us sharing our truth and what the ramifications might be. It is a time to fine tune how we communicate to others, so that we can do this in a way that promotes understanding and not argument... HoroscopeWheel We may be challenged during this time to find clarity about all that is going on in the World, but as we journey within we can connect with Mercury as the Magician - who can locate our dreams and visions and help us to speak words that support them into manifestation... The mind can also work to release the thought-forms that sabotage this and talk us out of our own sense of empowerment. As Mercury goes direct this week, we should feel more expressive and much more free of the old patterns that have kept us from being more mindful of the power of our words and we should be able to communicate in a way that more serves our paths, dreams and missions... This upcoming Solar Eclipse in Scorpio, is by far the most passionate and intense of the signs. This is actually a time where the ruling elite may lose their grip on many souls that have been ensnarled in its web. Now is the time to ask ourselves ~ What will enable me to feel more fully invigorated and more passionate about this life I am creating... We will need to move in that direction for our highest growth while this Eclipse is helping us and providing us strong reasons to create changes that more resonate with what would be most beneficial for our highest growth and the collective. Venus will be conjunct the Moon during this time, so our hearts should feel empowered and ready to create unity with all our fragmented aspects and all forces of duality, so let yourself bask in the energies and let the magic of Alchemy happen... Love is the greatest power of all! (Laura is available for phone/Skype sessions and also Joint sessions with Dr. DREAM) ~ © 2014 Laura Magdalene Eisenhower All rights reserved. You may link to this newsletter, but do not repost the astrology forecast without permission.
Posted on: Thu, 23 Oct 2014 09:30:02 +0000

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