Astrophysicists and other evolutionists are not faithful to The - TopicsExpress


Astrophysicists and other evolutionists are not faithful to The Scientific Method (by Leo Emmanuel Lochard, Forgiven Builder, 1/15/2015) msn/en-us/weather/topstories/scientists-human-activity-has-pushed-earth-beyond-four-of-nine-%e2%80%98planetary-boundaries%e2%80%99/ar-AA8ddtt?ocid=DELLDHP There is no scientific proof for the above assertions regarding so-called global warming or so-called climate change! Temperatures on the Earth oscillate between a life-sustaining range that affords every biological species a prosperous existence, within the bounds of its genetic endowments, such as operational lifespan and life-assigned activities, e.g., bees are genetically endowed/designed/programmed to collect flower/plant nectar to make honey. (1) Majority, if not all, astrophysicists are godless evolutionists who believe the whole universe came into existence, by random chance, all by itself, given infinite Time (billions of years) and infinite Probability (infinite random chance as in the throw of a dice; (2) The theory of evolutions major unproven tenets: a) missing biological links; b) struggle for survival of the fittest; and c) current biological species evolved from previously dead species, from the progressively refined or improved adaptations of which, evolved more environmentally attuned species now situated at the top of the food chain as the most intelligent species, such as Human Beings; d) the so-called big bang theory out of which the known Universe was created with initial conditions, without the presence of a divine Intelligent Creator! (3) Because of (1) and (2) above, assertions listed therein, being totally unproven either by scientific laboratory experiments and/or by field/environmental/ecological experiments, producing reproducible results having corresponding technological applications that can be duplicated by other independent, disinterested scientists: a) No missing link creature has even be unearthed from the so-called fossil record; b) No species genotype or phenotype, is fit for infinite life! Therefore, Survival of the fittest for what: as prey/food for other predator animal species? And regarding the existence of Human Beings, fittest for what? For dying in war, or from cancer, or from accidents, or from fatal diseases like AIDS? Fittest for eventually dying and being buried 6ft-under in the cemetery of our choice after an honorable funeral ceremony? (4) An explosion yields a chaotic assemblage of debris, materials, and residues having infinite disorder and infinite impossibility for aggregating into well-organized functional systems as witnessed today as having highly distinct specifically structured organization with predictable scientific orderliness. Absent an initial organizing principle, objects dispersed out of explosive chaos and random chance dispersion do not produce functionally-specific units of orderly organization! (5) The Universe displays highly specialized systems of orderly organization embodying the Organizing Principle INPUT-PROCESS-OUTPUT that yields particularly unique forms of functional categories, i.e., such as, electromagnetic field-force-induced rotary forms of gravimetric Motion, as proven by Earth 24-hr rotational cycle upon its own 23 degree-tilt axis, and by Earth 365 and 1/4 days revolutionary cycle around the Sun. (6) The theory of evolution anticipates the progressive development of more refined biological species encapsulating all the good that can be derived from the evolutional event, such as Human Life evolutionally providing itself with the best and most effective methods, procedures, ways-and-means, and processes that can climax from progressively efficient adaptations. Thus, here we are, Human Beings, exhaling Carbon Dioxide as does the process of respiration in all other biological species. But then, these atheistic astrophysicists have, in a state of apparently suicidal ideation, just declared that Carbon Dioxide is a so-called greenhouse gas inducing global warming and climate change! Thus, this suicidal pronouncement begs the question: Now, how come it took billions of years of biological evolution for Humankind to arrive at the top of the food chain but to only commit suicide by Carbon Dioxide exhalation? That does not make any logical or scientific sense! In addition, thermodynamic laws are intrinsically inherent in biological-genetic life-forms, thus foreordaining the eventuality of their mortal biological death! Why such a terminal end for the most advanced biological species on this sole-life-planet Earth, Humankind, after so many billions and billion years of so-called evolution? In conclusion, until they can prove their farfetched assertions, all pronouncements by any brand of evolutionists will remain pure imaginary conjectures that do not deserve the meritorious nomenclature of Science to be attached thereto. Evolutionary doctrines are mere social ideologies contrived for cultural indoctrination of children and youth as they contextually encapsulate deceitful schemes of behavior modification for purposes inimical to the preservation of Human Life, to the safeguarding of Human Liberty, and to the perpetuity of our God-prescribed and God-established Form of Free Government upon the face of the Earth! And therefore, evolutionary assertions are not scientific in the true proper proven-valid sense of the word Science -- such as in Physics, Chemistry or Biology! God bless all life and liberty loving people at home and abroad! God bless the United States of America, the birthplace of God-endowed Human Liberty since the year of our Lord One Thousand Seven Hundred and Seventy-Six as a miraculous enlightenment of Hope to the World for all generations to come! msn/en-us/weather/topstories/scientists-human-activity-has-pushed-earth-beyond-four-of-nine-%e2%80%98planetary-boundaries%e2%80%99/ar-AA8ddtt?ocid=DELLDHP
Posted on: Thu, 15 Jan 2015 23:14:29 +0000

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