At 9am 16 years ago my water broke. And though I was unaware, my - TopicsExpress


At 9am 16 years ago my water broke. And though I was unaware, my mom knew something wasnt right. So after a rough drive to the hospital, I was checked in to the birthing center. Shortly after getting into the room, I started going into shock, they were unable to find the babys heart beat, and my heart rate was dropping fast. My mom, nurses, and techs start prepping me for emergency surgery. Because I was in shock, my ability to communicate was almost gone. But, I remember very clearly the voices and stress I heard as they rushed me down to the ER. While all this was transpiring around me, and I was unable to respond, I remember talking to God. Please let this baby be ok. Please let it be strong. After the emergency c-section I had a 7lb baby boy. (Which was a shock, I was certain it would be a girl!) 24 hours later I was wheeled into the nursery and for the first time was able to hold Hunter. And God listened! He was OK, and he is strong! He fought through the medical issues through birth. He through a rough marriage stepped up and was the man of the house. And, he helped me raise two babies when I became a single mom. 61 200+ pounds of muscle at 16, and still growing. And again I say, God listened. Happy Birthday Hunter. You will always be my miracle, and Gods answered prayer. I am very proud of you! Hope you have a very Special 16th birthday!!!!!!!!!!! xxxxooooxoxoxoxo
Posted on: Fri, 29 Aug 2014 13:45:59 +0000

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